
unite是什么意思 unite在线翻译 unite什么意思 unite的意思 unite的翻译 unite的解释 unite的发音 unite的同义词 unite的反义词 unite的例句

unite [juˈnaɪt]  [juˈnaɪt] 


unite 基本解释

及物动词(使)联合,合并,统一; 并有,兼备; 混合,化合


unite 同义词


unite 反义词


unite 网络解释

1. 联合:类型:静电喷枪 品牌:台湾联合(UNITE) 型号:EPS-999-A/EPS-888-A 喷嘴口径...类型:静电喷枪 品牌:台湾联合(UNITE) 型号:EPS-999-A 喷嘴口径:可选 材质:进口 ...类型:静电喷枪 品牌:台湾联合(UNITE) 型号:EPS-999-A/EPS-888-A

2. 心手相連:无论如何(Whatever)我都会记得你曾经默默的为人类未来而作出的牺牲,我愿意(Will)永远追随(STEP YOU)你,并与你心手相连(UNITE)把这首生命颂歌(A Song is Born)不断的唱下去,因为我是你生存的证明.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 相加:, Attach Bead :对于片体,生成的筋肋与其缝合 (Sew),对于实体,生成的筋肋根据Section Axis 方向可以与其相加(Unite)或相减(Subtract). Hollow Bead :仅对于实体,在放置面的反面 生成厚度均匀的空筋肋.

unite 词典解释

1. (使)团结;(使)联合
    If a group of people or things unite or if something unites them, they join together and act as a group.

    e.g. The two parties have been trying to unite since the New Year...
    e.g. The vast majority of nations have agreed to unite their efforts to bring peace.

unite 单语例句


1. Opposition leaders said earlier they would stop street protests as they began discussions to unite around a single candidate to run against Saakashvili.

2. So Palin's first challenge will be to unite her base, some of which is actively unraveling the party whose nomination she would presumably seek.

3. Expect none less than a captivating and expressive performance this March, as Bjork's musical and theatrical sides unite.

4. Dancing Beijing is an invitation - a hand extended to welcome the world to China for a celebration destined to unite humanity as never before.

5. Fatah was trying to unite to face the strong challenge of the Islamic Hamas group at the polls.

6. Supporters of enlargement say call this a historic chance to unite Europe.

7. He promised to administer by laws and unite different social estates in order to the promote living standards of the citizens of Macao.

8. Policies that take diversity of mother languages into account can help unite a country while strong monolingual policies can contribute to social division.

9. " We must all unite against the current wave of extremism and militancy, " he said.

10. This day is an opportunity for all of us women and men to unite in a cause that embraces all humankind.

unite 英英释义


1. join or combine

    e.g. We merged our resources

    Synonym: unifymerge

2. become one

    e.g. Germany unified officially in 1990
           the cells merge

    Synonym: unifymerge

3. act in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief

    Synonym: unify

4. bring together for a common purpose or action or ideology or in a shared situation

    e.g. the Democratic Patry platform united several splinter groups

    Synonym: unify

5. be or become joined or united or linked

    e.g. The two streets connect to become a highway
           Our paths joined
           The travelers linked up again at the airport

    Synonym: connectlinklink upjoin

6. have or possess in combination

    e.g. she unites charm with a good business sense

    Synonym: combine

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