
unmanned是什么意思 unmanned在线翻译 unmanned什么意思 unmanned的意思 unmanned的翻译 unmanned的解释 unmanned的发音 unmanned的同义词

unmanned [ˌʌnˈmænd]  [ʌnˈmænd] 


unmanned 基本解释

形容词被阉割的; (机器,尤指航天器)无人驾驶的; 怯懦的; (鹰等)未受狩猎训练的

动词使失去男子气质( unman的过去式和过去分词 ); 阉割; 使怯懦; 使气馁

unmanned 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 无人的:uncondictional 无条件的 | unmanned 无人的 | unambitious 无野心的

2. 无人操纵的:unmanifestedcargo 没列入载货清单的货物 | unmanned 无人操纵的 | unmannedaerialsurveillancesystem 无人驾驶空中监视系统

3. 无人管理的:horrified 令人震驚的 | unmanned 無人管理的 | taking heed 注意;留心

4. 无人操作的:Turret转台 | Unmanned无人操作的 | Update新版本的

unmanned 词典解释

1. 无人驾驶的;无人操纵的
    Unmanned vehicles such as spacecraft do not have any people in them and operate automatically or are controlled from a distance.


    e.g. ...a special unmanned spacecraft.
    e.g. ...unmanned rockets.

2. 无人(工作)的
    If a place is unmanned, there is nobody working there.


    e.g. The fare from the last unmanned station is probably less than a pound...
    e.g. Unmanned post offices meant millions of letters went unsorted.

unmanned 单语例句

1. China is to carry out a manned spaceflight around 2005 if Shenzhou IV unmanned spacecraft makes a successful test flight.

2. The US rarely confirms or denies involvement in strikes inside Pakistan, which are believed to be carried out mainly by unmanned CIA drones flown from Afghanistan.

3. Our next step is to conduct an unmanned investigation on the moon within three years.

4. Ouyang said China's lunar probe projects currently consist of unmanned moon exploration, a manned moon landing and the building of a moon base.

5. TEPCO began removing radioactive debris from the plant using unmanned heavy machinery and plans Monday to move flooded contaminated water to a new storage tank.

6. Iran's elite Islamic Revolution Guards Corps on Tuesday test - fired a diversity of missiles and tested its unmanned aerial vehicle bombers during a drill.

7. An unmanned rocket carrying three Russian GLONASS navigation satellites took off from the Russian cosmodrome at Baikonur in Kazakhstan on Friday.

8. The orbiting laboratory was left unmanned while the astronauts installed antennas that form part of the docking mechanism for a European Space Agency cargo craft.

9. Two unmanned spaceships and five manned spaceships will also be launched during the phase to dock on the Tiangong crafts to test the docking technology.

10. An unmanned aerial vehicle used for aerial photography attracts visitors during the 2012 Museums and Relevant Products and Technologies Expo in Beijing.

unmanned 英英释义


1. lacking a crew

    e.g. an unmanned satellite to Mars

    Synonym: remote-controlled

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