
unsettled是什么意思 unsettled在线翻译 unsettled什么意思 unsettled的意思 unsettled的翻译 unsettled的解释 unsettled的发音 unsettled的同义词

unsettled [ʌnˈsetld]  [ʌnˈsɛtl:d] 


unsettled 基本解释

形容词(天气、政治形势等)不稳定的; 未定居的; 未解决的; 未决定的

动词扰乱,使不安宁( unsettle的过去式和过去分词)

unsettled 反义词


unsettled 相关例句


1. Conditions in the coastal towns were unsettled after the hurricane.

2. The argument remains unsettled.

3. A large part of the southwestern United States is unsettled desert.

unsettled 网络解释

1. 未定的:而它也不必一定就代表狼的观点. 实质上而言,也并非羊的立场. 除非这里连在了一块的两个演说,如被遗弃一般,听任一开放的一致之存在. 一种将要来临的、被悬置的、开放的,未定的(unsettled)同时也是悬而未决的[unsettling, en souffrance]的一致.

2. unsettled的近义词

2. 易变的:unsetresin 未凝固树脂 | unsettled 易变的 | unsharpimage 不清晰图象

3. 未解决的:corrugate 成波状,使起皱 | unsettled 未解决的 | cardboard 硬纸板

4. 不稳定的;动荡的;易变的:thrilled激动 | unsettled不稳定的;动荡的;易变的 | irritated恼怒的,生气的

unsettled 词典解释

1. 多变的;不安定的;不平稳的;动荡不安的
    In an unsettled situation, there is a lot of uncertainty about what will happen.

    e.g. Britain's unsettled political scene also worries some investors...
    e.g. The junk market has been unsettled for the past seven months.

2. 不能集中精力的
    If you are unsettled, you cannot concentrate on anything because you are worried.

    e.g. A lot of people wake up every day with a sense of being unsettled and disturbed...
    e.g. To tell the truth, I'm a bit unsettled tonight.

3. (争论等)未解决的,悬而未决的
    An unsettled argument or dispute has not yet been resolved.

    e.g. They were in the process of resolving all the unsettled issues...
    e.g. Can one even talk of stability in the Middle East as long as the conflict is still unsettled?

4. 渺无人烟的;荒芜的
    Unsettled places are places where no people have yet lived.


    e.g. Until very recently Texas was an unsettled frontier.

5. 不可预测的;易变的
    Unsettled weather is unpredictable and changes a lot.

    e.g. Despite the unsettled weather, we had a marvellous weekend.

unsettled 单语例句

1. The fear over the contagion of a possible default by Greece has weighed down and unsettled European financial market for months.

2. Issues such as how much the service should cost and how to organize and balance the sourcing of goods remain unsettled.

3. It also said that the rising water levels were also reviving old landslide fissures as the soil around the dam became more saturated and unsettled.

4. The Japanese Government shelved the applications because of the unsettled EEZ demarcation in the waters dividing the two countries.

5. Economists have warned that it is hard to maintain the flourishing economic relations between China and Japan as long as their political discord remains unsettled.

6. While home buyers have been somewhat relieved to see prices moving downward, dwindling revenues from property taxes and land sales to developers have unsettled local governments.

7. Wang faces an uphill task ensuring an unsettled team is firing on all cylinders in front of an expectant home crowd.

8. The decline in foreign currency assets was due mainly to a decrease in unsettled purchases of securities and valuation losses on foreign currency investments.

9. Such violence is adding urgency to talks on forming a government of national unity, a task unsettled four months after parliamentary elections.

10. The league's unsettled labor situation has put a contract extension on hold.

unsettled 英英释义


1. not yet settled

    e.g. unsettled territory

2. not settled or established

    e.g. an unsettled lifestyle

3. still in doubt

    e.g. an unsettled issue
           an unsettled state of mind

4. subject to change

    e.g. a changeable climate
           the weather is uncertain
           unsettled weather with rain and hail and sunshine coming one right after the other

    Synonym: changeableuncertain

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