
unsteady是什么意思 unsteady在线翻译 unsteady什么意思 unsteady的意思 unsteady的翻译 unsteady的解释 unsteady的发音 unsteady的同义词

unsteady [ʌnˈstedi]  [ʌnˈstɛdi] 

unsteady 基本解释

形容词不坚固的; 不一贯的; 摇晃的; 无常的

unsteady 同义词

unsteady 反义词


unsteady 相关例句


1. David poured two brandies with an unsteady hand.

unsteady 网络解释

1. 不稳定:萨克斯入门教程下载吹嘴含得太多,会产生吵杂刺耳(raucou)的声音. 下唇翻得太少,会比较无法控制. 下唇翻得太多,也会导致一个虚弱(weak)不稳定(unsteady)的声音产生. 下巴向前推挤,会产生吵杂刺耳(raucou)的声音,或是无法控制.

2. 非定常:并不需要喷嘴流道尺寸变化之详细资料. 所造成之总质量流率的误差,例如:滑动(slip)及气泡体积因流场压力改变混合室之出口压力亦即喷嘴(Nozzle)的入口压力. 般而言,喷嘴的入口效模拟与对应. 因此,开发一套二维甚至是三维的,非定常( unsteady)的,

3. 不稳定的:Totter蹒跚 | Unsteady不稳定的 | Sway摇晃

4. unsteady在线翻译

4. 不安定的:unstable roof 脆性顶板 | unsteady 不安定的 | unstemmed explosive 无炮泥的炸药

unsteady 词典解释

1. 脚步不稳的;身体摇晃的
    If you are unsteady, you have difficulty doing something, for example walking, because you cannot completely control your legs or your body.

    e.g. The boy was very unsteady and had staggered around when he got up...
    e.g. He poured coffee into the mugs, and with an unsteady hand, held one of them out to David.

She pulled herself unsteadily from the bed to the dresser.

2. 不稳定的;不可靠的;无法捉摸的;变幻无常的
    If you describe something as unsteady, you mean that it is not regular or stable, but unreliable or unpredictable.


    e.g. His voice was unsteady and only just audible...
    e.g. She knew first-hand the impact an unsteady parent could have on a sensitive young girl.

3. 不牢固的;不稳固的;不结实的
    Unsteady objects are not held, fixed, or balanced securely.

    e.g. ...a slightly unsteady item of furniture.

unsteady 单语例句

1. The overall recovery of world economic growth still faced uncertain and unsteady factors, he said.

2. Masters champion's unsteady play continued through a rollercoaster outward nine that featured just two pars, four birdies and three bogeys.

3. He also attributed the price fluctuation to the excessive number of steel traders, saying their unsteady sentiment unwittingly upset prices.

4. Fu interprets the unsteady and hasty mood with the image of fake swimming scenes.

5. Unsteady development means overheated investment as well as excessive credit supply and liquidity and surplus in foreign trade and international payments.

6. He appeared unsteady when he was ordered out of the taxi by police.

7. Its efforts appear to be gathering steam after an unsteady start, and in 2008 energy intensity fell nearly 5 percent.

8. Chinese divers also face unprecedented challenges from improving opponents and the unsteady form of themselves.

9. And if export revenues are already unsteady, where are these countries to get cash for domestic development?

10. As most people's income is inconsistent and unsteady, people are forced to purchase food in small quantities.

unsteady 英英释义


1. not firmly or solidly positioned

    e.g. climbing carefully up the unsteady ladder
           an unfirm stance

    Synonym: unfirm

2. subject to change or variation

    e.g. her unsteady walk
           his hand was unsteady as he poured the wine
           an unsteady voice

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