
unused是什么意思 unused在线翻译 unused什么意思 unused的意思 unused的翻译 unused的解释 unused的发音 unused的同义词 unused的反义词 unused的例句

unused [ˌʌnˈju:zd]  [ˌʌnˈju:zd] 

unused 基本解释

形容词未用过的; 不用的,空着的; 不习惯的; 无经验的

unused 同义词

unused 反义词


unused 相关例句


1. The children are unused to city life.

2. Put away the unused plates and cups.

unused 情景对话


A:Good morning, sir. I just came to China and I can't read Chinese. Could you please help me?


B:My pleasure. What can I do for you?

A:Oh, I want to change some money, but I do not know how to fill out the exchange form.


B:Would you mind showing me your passport? Also, please write down your name on the paper.

A:Here you are. My name is Jones.

B:Alright. I will fill out the exchange form for you now. You can take a seat over there for a moment.

A:Sure. Thanks.

B:Hello, Ms. Jones. Are you planning to reconvert your unused Chinese money back into American dollars?

A:Yes, if I have some left.

B:If I may offer a suggestion, please keep your exchange form.


A:OK, I will. Thank you.

B:You are welcome.

unused 网络解释

1. 未使用的:未使用的(Unused)是什么?显得一点意义也没有,因为Google Chrome和Skype出现在那里,但我却每天都在使用;推荐的(Recommended)是什么?推荐安装的应用程序?推荐的下载?优化(Optimize)什么?碎片整理?运行杀毒程序?清除我的浏览历史记录?

2. unused是什么意思

2. 未使用:(1)未使用(unused)状态:该dentry对象的引用计数d_count的值为0,但其d_inode指针仍然指向相关的的索引节点. 该目录项仍然包含有效的信息,只是当前没有人引用他. 这种dentry对象在回收内存时可能会被释放.

3. 不用:对于表中的不用(Unused)的行来说,就不需这样做. 如果数据库包含的记录少于可见的行数,就需把表中不用的行关闭. 这是很重要的,如果不关掉这些不用的行,当写代码时,我们就会试图向行中写不存在的记录,说不定会使系统崩溃的.

4. unused什么意思

4. 不用的:unused fund 未动用资金 | unused 不用的 | unusual casing 特殊套管

unused 词典解释

Pronounced /ʌn'juːzd/ for meaning 1, and /ʌn'juːst/ for meaning 2. 义项1读作/ʌn'juːzd/,义项2读作/ʌn'juːst/。

1. 未用过的;未使用的
    Something that is unused has not been used or is not being used at the moment.


    e.g. ...unused containers of food and drink...
    e.g. The insurance on his BMW has run out, and the car stands unused.

2. 不习惯的;不熟悉的
    If you are unused to something, you have not often done it or experienced it before, so it feels unusual and unfamiliar to you.

    e.g. Mother was entirely unused to such hard work.

unused 单语例句

1. The ITU deputy secretary general said there are still potentials in the unused regional resources of the current IP address system.

2. Such reports are now common in the countryside and urban areas, with unused public land often commandeered by private homeowners and restaurants.

3. Travellers can convert their unused RMB back into foreign currency before departure using the foreign currency exchange form which is valid for 6 months.

4. A member of China's top advisory body suggested taxes be levied on unused apartments and houses to curb speculation in the real estate market.

5. A new recycling technology called pyroprocessing is also used to close the fuel cycle by separating the unused fuel from most of the radioactive waste.

6. Store any unused portion of the meat in the gravy to keep it moist, cover and refrigerate overnight or at most for 1 day and night more.

7. Sun said the project returned lush greenery to the area and has brought economic benefit to a previously unused area of the capital.

8. Many people unused to such heat are suffering through sleepless nights and unproductive days in offices without air conditioning.

9. Many large Chinese enterprises are applying the " Six Sigma method " - which remains largely unused globally despite some major successes - in their business operations.

10. Let us hope we do not see more expensive machines left unused.

unused 英英释义


1. infrequently exposed to

    e.g. feet unused to shoes

2. not in active use

    e.g. the machinery sat idle during the strike
           idle hands

    Synonym: idle

3. not yet used or soiled

    e.g. a fresh shirt
           a fresh sheet of paper
           an unused envelope

    Synonym: fresh

4. not yet put into use

    e.g. we bought an unused car for a change

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