
unvarnished是什么意思 unvarnished在线翻译 unvarnished什么意思 unvarnished的意思 unvarnished的翻译 unvarnished的解释 unvarnished的发音

unvarnished [ʌnˈvɑ:nɪʃt]  [ʌnˈvɑ:rnɪʃt] 

unvarnished 基本解释

形容词质朴的; 原样的; 未涂漆的; 无装饰的

unvarnished 网络解释

1. 未油漆的:unvalued policy 未定值保险单 | unvarnished 未油漆的 | unverified 未证实

2. 未涂漆的:unvaried 未改变的 | unvarnished 未涂漆的 | unvarying 不变的

3. 原样的:unvarnished 无装饰的 | unvarnished 原样的 | unveiling 揭幕的

4. unvarnished在线翻译

4. 无装饰的:无装甲的unarmored | 无装饰的unvarnished | 无装饰音的semplice

unvarnished 双语例句

1. unvarnished是什么意思

1. For many Germans, the experience of reading the unvarnished awfulness of their own, their parents'or grandparents'wartime experiences was cathartic.

2. You can be sure it's sincere and unvarnished.

3. unvarnished的近义词

3. After so much suffering. I've finally found unvarnished truth.

4. After so much suffering, I've finally found unvarnished truth.

5. After so much suffering, I finally found unvarnished truth.

6. And C code is unvarnished copy can have a problem.

7. unvarnished在线翻译

7. What has surprised me is how unvarnished her desperation appears.

8. Orson: You want my unvarnished opinion?

9. unvarnished

9. The PB print support is too simpleness. It only simply send the dataWindow unvarnished to print queue.

10. There is not strong sunlight to impact on the eastward seaview. The sea and the sky show their unvarnished primitive colors.

11. You're my best love, but leave me alone. only the unvarnished taihu stone could express my yearning to you

12. The plain and unvarnished truth; the unvarnished candor of old people and children.

13. The aria of Hebei Bangzi combines the folkways and rhythms in beijing, Tianjin and hebei, stouthearted and unvarnished, full of the verve in these areas.

14. And it might take a brave energy minister to endorse a measure that many would decry as unvarnished protectionism.

15. This article first relates a plain unvarnished tale.

16. The article reviews and analyzes the relationship between the building and its urban context, the organization of interior space and the treatment of details so as to give an idea of the unvarnished design tactics oriented by the environment.

17. unvarnished在线翻译

17. I have already felt the profound and boundless mother love from these unvarnished and unpretending words without the son's message.

18. The president said he will rely on Krueger and other advisers to provide what he termed " unvarnished " analysis and recommendations to boost America's weak economy.

19. It was the plain unvarnished truth.

20. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

20. What still have family store is marble, change circuit is boredder, kong fu does not say greatly, destructive marble should match unvarnished essential impossible.

unvarnished 单语例句

1. This will annoy the historian who wants truth unvarnished, since the real warriors of 480 BC would have worn fairly extensive body armor.

2. Boards are expected to give the company's top leaders unvarnished advice.

3. Literally, it means a stick that is unvarnished or does not have any covering.

4. He offers an unvarnished portrait of the " disruptive and divisive " Washington bureaucracy, and a candid assessment of the war's aftermath.

unvarnished 英英释义


1. free from any effort to soften to disguise

    e.g. the plain and unvarnished truth
           the unvarnished candor of old people and children

    Synonym: plain

2. not having a coating of stain or varnish

    Synonym: unstained

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