
uphill是什么意思 uphill在线翻译 uphill什么意思 uphill的意思 uphill的翻译 uphill的解释 uphill的发音 uphill的同义词 uphill的反义词 uphill的例句

uphill [ˌʌpˈhɪl]  [ˈʌpˌhɪl] 


uphill 基本解释

形容词上坡的,向上的; 费力的,辛苦的,艰难的; 位于高处的

副词上山地,上坡地; 艰难地


uphill 反义词


uphill 相关例句


1. This is an uphill village.

2. This is hard, uphill work.


1. The soldiers walked uphill.

uphill 网络解释

1. uphill的解释

1. 上坡:上坡(Uphill)击球与下坡(Downhill)击球首先,在上坡(Uphill)击球方面,这种球因为是倾斜的关系,会使得杆面角度更为垂直,所以比较容易高飞,但也比较容易击短,因此要打得稍微重一些,才会是您所想要的距离.

2. uphill是什么意思

2. 登高:Unwanted 多余的 | uphill 登高 | Utilization 应用

3. 上坡的:upheaval 隆起 | uphill 上坡的 | uphillcasting 底注

4. 上升;坡度;上升的:upheaval 隆起;上升 | uphill 上升;坡度;上升的 | uphillline 上山管线

uphill 词典解释

1. 靠山顶;上坡
    If something or someone is uphill or is moving uphill, they are near the top of a hill or are going up a slope.

    e.g. He had been running uphill a long way...
    e.g. The man was no more than ten yards away and slightly uphill.

2. 荆棘满途的;艰苦卓绝的;崎岖曲折的
    If you refer to something as an uphill struggle or an uphill battle, you mean that it requires a great deal of effort and determination, but it should be possible to achieve it.

    e.g. It had been an uphill struggle to achieve what she had wanted...
    e.g. It's an uphill battle but I think we're going to win.

uphill 单语例句

1. Among its myriad charms is a road where objects appear to defy gravity by rolling uphill due to a natural optical illusion.

2. ROME - Italy on Wednesday cheered German Chancellor Angela Merkel's appreciation of its budget efforts, but the path out of the crisis appears to be still uphill.

3. We can envisage the new administration facing a tougher uphill battle pushing through the universal suffrage for the 2017 Chief Executive election.

4. My faith and commitment to God helped me get to where I am this season, and climb the emotional uphill battle of reaching the CBA Finals.

5. But they could face an uphill struggle in China, where consumers still know little about the Mediterranean country's consumer products.

6. Economists said the central bank is unlikely to loosen its monetary stance anytime soon, as the country still faces an uphill battle to cool rising consumer inflation.

7. Last week the Senate passed a bill aimed at Beijing's currency practices, but the proposal faces an uphill battle in the House of Representatives.

8. Liberal advocacy groups concede it will be an uphill battle to stop Alito, noting Bush's fellow Republicans hold 55 of the Senate's 100 seats.

9. Europe must fight an uphill battle to find new growth poles, achieve economic recovery and realize full employment.

10. It is now out of the Champions League and Italian Cup and it faces an uphill battle just to qualify for next season's Europa League.

uphill 英英释义


1. the upward slope of a hill



1. sloping upward

    Synonym: acclivitousrising


1. upward on a hill or incline

    e.g. this street lay uphill

2. against difficulties

    e.g. she was talking uphill

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