
uplift是什么意思 uplift在线翻译 uplift什么意思 uplift的意思 uplift的翻译 uplift的解释 uplift的发音 uplift的同义词 uplift的反义词 uplift的例句

uplift [ˈʌplɪft]  [ʌpˈlɪft] 


uplift 基本解释

及物动词举起; 振作; (社会、道德等)发展; 使上升


名词进步; 乳罩

uplift 相关例句


1. danci.911cha.com

1. His soul was uplifted by the music.


1. uplift的近义词

1. The crane uplifted the car and moved it to a safer place.

uplift 网络解释

1. 隆起:4、隆起(uplift)泛指地壳上不同成因的上升构造. 这一术语无尺度大小和形态的限制,例如穹窿、拱曲和变质核杂岩构造等. 而这种上升可以直接起因于垂向地壳运动,也可以由侧向挤压或伸展所导生.

2. uplift

2. 上浮电价:售给最终用户的电价PSP是在PPP基础上,加上一部分上浮电价(Uplift),该上浮电价考虑了各类辅助服务费用、输电服务费用、配电服务费用. 美国1978年通过的公共事业管理政策法令(PURPA)促进了非公共事业发电(NUG)的戏剧性增长.

3. 撤销;解除:up reversal 回升 | uplift 撤销;解除 | up-market 高档市场

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. 浮升力:固结仪 consolidometer | 浮升力 uplift | 扩容 dilatancy

uplift 词典解释

The verb is pronounced /ʌp'lɪft/. The noun is pronounced /'ʌplɪft/. 动词读作/ʌp'lɪft/,名词读作/'ʌplɪft/。

1. 使振奋;提升
    If something uplifts people, it helps them to have a better life, for example by making them feel happy or by improving their social conditions.

    e.g. We need a little something to help sometimes, to uplift us and make us feel better...
    e.g. Art was created to uplift the mind and the spirit.

2. 上扬;上涨;增长
    In economics, an uplift in something such as the price of shares is an increase in their value.


    e.g. ...an uplift in the stock market...
    e.g. Its shares were down across the first quarter, but are now showing a 20 per cent uplift.

uplift 单语例句

1. Hong Kong's business community welcomed the central government's new support measures that are expected to give a strong uplift to the Hong Kong economy.

2. It is one of the rare examples of uplift wooden crossbeam construction in the history of the Taoist architecture.

3. The formation of the peaks dates back to the Jurassic Period of the Mesozoic Era as a result of crustal movements and subsequent uplift.

4. This may give you confidence going into the weekend and may uplift your spirits.

5. Now the crucial question is how media entertainment can uplift morale in a pleasurable way which the majority of people can accept.

6. Under the umbrella of " socialism with Chinese characteristics ", market economic reforms were rigorously promoted to uplift the masses from abject poverty.

7. After discussions, the cultural relics department decided to uplift the palace.

8. Russia hoped the two sides could work together to adjust trade structure and increase investment so as to uplift bilateral trade volume.

9. When they come down, the five brave men look quiet and uplift their feet to the audience.

10. The fundamental goal of economic development is to uplift the living standards and quality of life of the people.

uplift 英英释义


1. a brassiere that lifts and supports the breasts

2. (geology) a rise of land to a higher elevation (as in the process of mountain building)

    Synonym: upheavalupthrowupthrust


1. fill with high spirits
    fill with optimism

    e.g. Music can uplift your spirits

    Synonym: elatelift uppick upintoxicate

2. lift up or elevate

3. lift up from the earth, as by geologic forces

    e.g. the earth's movement uplifted this part of town

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