
uptake是什么意思 uptake在线翻译 uptake什么意思 uptake的意思 uptake的翻译 uptake的解释 uptake的发音 uptake的同义词 uptake的反义词 uptake的例句

uptake [ˈʌpteɪk]  [ˈʌpˌtek] 


uptake 基本解释

名词<口>举起; <非正>(尤指对新事物的)理解力; <术>摄入; <矿>上风井

uptake 相关例句


1. uptake是什么意思

1. The new student is a little slow on the uptake, so you have to be patient.

2. The doctor advised me to reduce the salt uptake.

uptake 网络解释

1. 摄取:3.摄取(uptake)内源性和外源性去甲肾上腺素都可被去甲肾上腺素能神经末梢和非神经细胞所摄取(分别称为摄取1和摄取2,见第五章). 被摄取的去甲肾上腺素大多又经囊泡摄取贮存起来. 被摄取入非神经细胞内者,大多被代谢而失活.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 吸收:一种是通过扩散作用跨过膜进入细胞,其吸收(uptake)与周围环境的离子浓度呈直线关系. 这种吸收属于被动吸收,适用于甲醇、乙醇、脲、戊酰胺等溶质. 对于一些细胞需要积累的溶质(包括有机的和无机的),它们的吸收速率比扩散作用快得多,

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 举起:plane of action 啮合面, 作用面 | uptake 举起 | mechanical timer 机械时间继电器 机械定时装置, 机械计时器

uptake 词典解释

1. 摄入;摄取
    A person's uptake of something is the amount of it that they use.

    e.g. The drug increases the number of red cells in the blood, enhancing oxygen uptake by 10 percent.
    e.g. ...research in relation to the uptake of nitrate into vegetables.

2. 理解力强/理解力弱
    You say that someone is quick on the uptake when they understand things quickly. You say that someone is slow on the uptake when they have difficulty understanding simple or obvious things.

    e.g. She is not an intellectual, but is quick on the uptake...
    e.g. Carol was absent-minded and a little slow on the uptake.

uptake 单语例句

1. Others see commercialism as the sole force behind the sudden uptake of this newer celebration in Chinese eyes.

2. Hangzhou is one of the first Chinese cities to switch to digital TV despite slow nationwide uptake.

3. Consumer uptake on this unique drink is said to have exceeded the company's initial expectations since its launch three months ago.

4. The expansion was mainly attributed to slow uptake of government securities, whose interest rate has dropped to about 11 percent for Treasury bills and bonds.

5. " I suppose the interconnection will not soon bring a major SMS uptake, " she said.

6. " The oral uptake is not very good, " he said.

7. The region also has the highest rates of male smoking prevalence and the fastest increase in tobacco uptake by women and young people.

8. As well as personal purchases, the Panda Card has seen an enthusiastic uptake by tour operators in the area.

9. The New York Times recently reported on the uptake of American men with college degrees entering what are perceived as " pink collar " careers.

10. Farmer uptake of SCPI is dependent on concrete benefits, such as increased income and reduced labor requirements.


uptake 英英释义


1. the process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating)

    Synonym: consumptioningestionintake

2. a process of taking up or using up or consuming

    e.g. they developed paper napkins with a greater uptake of liquids

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