
vanquisher是什么意思 vanquisher在线翻译 vanquisher什么意思 vanquisher的意思 vanquisher的翻译 vanquisher的解释 vanquisher的发音 vanquisher的同义词

vanquisher ['væŋkwɪʃə]  ['væŋkwɪʃə] 

vanquisher 基本解释


vanquisher 网络解释

1. 征服者:<<火炬之光>>征服者 征服者(Vanquisher)是一名优秀的射手,她可以采用陷阱混淆敌人的视听. <<火炬之光>>有单人战役跟多人在线两种模式,日前,Runic Games 于游戏官网释出最新情报,单人战役版本将于10月27日上市,并提供网络付费下载,

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 胜利者:要把敌人炸出来(第25页):第7坦克团1连的莱曼.拉斯粉碎者(Demolisher)坦克,它是9号车(第33页):第7坦克团的莱曼.拉斯胜利者(Vanquisher)坦克,它是第17连的指挥坦克(第33页):叛军虽然不放一枪就放弃了北方防线,

3. 修罗:12. Vindicator 魔拳 | 13. Vanquisher 修罗 | 14. Destoryer 罗煞

4. 征服者,战胜者:extinguisher 熄灭者,灭火者 | vanquisher 征服者,战胜者 | ravisher 抢夺者,强奸者

vanquisher 双语例句

1. We don't really have any details on these mounts for the moment, but after some digging in the game files and on PTR servers it seems that one of these mounts is already active under the name of Armored Frostbrood Vanquisher.

2. vanquisher

2. That's why, with 3.2, Coliseum bosses all drop one of three universal armor tokens -- the Regalia of the Grand Protector, Vanquisher, or Conqueror.
    这就是为什么,3.2 ,体育馆的老板都下降三个普遍装甲令牌-的雷加利亚大保护者,胜利者,或者征服者。

3. One plausible explanation for this reticence is an old-fashioned reluctance to admit problems, especially, in a country that justly regards itself as Nazism's vanquisher, the growth of fascism.

4. Father, thy word is past, man shall find grace; And shall grace not find means, that finds her way, The speediest of thy winged messengers, To visit all thy creatures, and to all [230] Comes unprevented, unimplor'd, unsought, Happie for man, so coming; he her aide Can never seek, once dead in sins and lost; Attonement for himself or offering meet, Indebted and undon, hath none to bring: [235] Behold mee then, mee for him, life for life I offer, on mee let thine anger fall; Account mee man; I for his sake will leave Thy bosom, and this glorie next to thee Freely put off, and for him lastly dye [240] Well pleas'd, on me let Death wreck all his rage; Under his gloomie power I shall not long Lie vanquisht; thou hast givn me to possess Life in my self for ever, by thee I live, Though now to Death I yield, and am his due [245] All that of me can die, yet that debt paid, Thou wilt not leave me in the loathsom grave His prey, nor suffer my unspotted Soule For ever with corruption there to dwell; But I shall rise Victorious, and subdue [250] My Vanquisher, spoild of his vanted spoile; Death his deaths wound shall then receive, and stoop Inglorious, of his mortal sting disarm'd.

5. vanquisher是什么意思

5. Gate of the Vanquisher of all Evil Spells, Hearken and Open!

vanquisher 单语例句

1. Zhong Kui is a figure of Chinese mythology and traditionally regarded as a vanquisher of ghosts and evil beings.

vanquisher 英英释义


1. someone who is victorious by force of arms

    Synonym: conqueror

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