
VAT是什么意思 VAT在线翻译 VAT什么意思 VAT的意思 VAT的翻译 VAT的解释 VAT的发音 VAT的同义词 VAT的反义词 VAT的例句 VAT的相关词组

VAT [ˌvi: eɪ ˈti:]  [ˈvi ˈe 'ti,væt] 

VAT 基本解释

abbr.value added tax<英>增值税

VAT 网络解释

1. 缸:更能使葡萄酒具有本地的特色.发酵对酒的气味的影响有两个基本途径:温度及所用的容器.大多数酒是在惰性容器中发酵而成的.在世界各地的酿酒厂,你会见到旧木质的、不锈钢的或带衬里的混凝土质地的各种各样的大缸(vat).这些不同种类容器之间的区别,

2. 增值税:返税(Tax Refund) 增值税(VAT) 小费(Tipping)3. 在机场就近的退税窗口 (CASH REFUND)出示发票,获取退还所购商品增值税总额的现金. 如因时间紧张无法在处境时退税,也可回国后在国内的退还所出示机场的确认图章领取退税金额的现金.

3. 营业加值税:均裁定不实行进口救济措施,美国纺织品游说团体期盼未来新任的美国总统会持不同的立场. 美国NCTO谴责中国在其出口商支付营业加值税(VAT)后,退还部分税款的退税制度,虽然根据WTO规定,出口补贴系被禁止的,惟VAT的退税作法却是项例外.

4. 桶:US 车 BUS | VA 桶 VAT | VI 小玻璃瓶 VIAL

5. VAT

5. vat:valued added tax; 增值税

6. vat:value-added tax; 生产型增值税

7. VAT在线翻译

7. vat:video-assisted thoracoscopy; 电视胸腔镜

VAT 词典解释

1. 增值税
    VAT is a tax that is added to the price of goods or services. VAT is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'value added tax'.

VAT 单语例句

1. Because the reform means VAT will replace the business tax, the initiative has been warmly greeted by related enterprises.

2. The portion of income derived from VAT rebate or business tax reduction under these incentive measures will be exempted from corporate income tax.

3. VAT and business tax together accounted for more than 50 percent of China's tax revenue in 2011.

4. In addition, replacing the business tax with VAT will reduce local governments'fiscal revenue substantially.

5. Instead of paying business tax on all transactions in the industrial chain, modern service providers will pay 6 percent VAT.

6. Although China claimed the actual tax burden was different to the tax rate, the government agreed to scrap the proposed VAT reduction.

7. The actual amount of VAT payable by general taxpayers is the excess amount of output VAT over input VAT.

8. VAT refers to a tax levied on the difference between a commodity's price before taxes and its cost of production.

9. Jowell told the House of Commons that the bid file didn't include VAT because the government was advised it was not an issue.

10. We will conscientiously carry out pilot projects to reform VAT and trials to expand the urban social security system.

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