
vault是什么意思 vault在线翻译 vault什么意思 vault的意思 vault的翻译 vault的解释 vault的发音 vault的同义词 vault的反义词 vault的例句

vault [vɔ:lt]  [vɔlt] 


vault 基本解释

名词墓穴; 拱顶,穹窿; 地下室; 撑物跳

及物动词进行撑竿跳; 做成圆拱形; 成穹状; (以手撑物或撑竿)跳过

不及物动词跳跃; 成穹状弯曲

vault 相关例句


1. John vaulted the fence.


1. He vaulted the fence.


1. She put her jewels in a vault at the bank.

2. He was buried in the family vault.

3. The money was kept in the bank's vault.

vault 网络解释

1. 拱顶:推压力(THRUST) 由拱券(ARCH)、拱顶(VAULT)或穹顶(DOME)产生的横向压力,集中起来的压力必须用加厚墙壁或采用某种扶壁(BUTTRESS)来抵消. 托架(BRACKET) 一种用石、木或金属制成的从墙壁上伸出的支撑,其顶部为平面,

2. 穹顶:但相对的,整栋建筑的尺度规模都放大许多,教堂全长128公尺,光是中舱就有12.5公尺宽,而整座教堂的全宽则为40公尺,穹顶(Vault)则为33公尺宽. 教堂的第一颗基石是1163年奠下,属於唱诗班席结构的一部份,开工后教堂的修筑速度非常快,

3. 撑竿跳:1993年,一张以往单曲B面的歌曲、混音版本和未发行的录音作品集锦<<反作用>>(Retro-Active)出版,这也是一张非常优秀的集锦专辑,随后他们又出版了精选集<<撑竿跳>>(Vault).

4. 腾越:腾越(vault) 体操动作之一. 指整个人体腾起后从器械上空越过的一类动作. 按人体运动的方向,分正腾越、背腾越、侧腾越三种;按腾起后人体的姿势,有分腿腾越、屈体腾越、挺身腾越等. 做此类动作时,人体腾起较高,飞行时间较长,

5. vault:v.; 撑竿跳高

vault 词典解释

1. 金库;保险库
    A vault is a secure room where money and other valuable things can be kept safely.


    e.g. Most of the money was in storage in bank vaults...
    e.g. The gold recovered so far is being held in a vault at a secret location.

2. (通常指安葬同一家族死者的)教堂地下室,墓穴,墓室
    A vault is a room underneath a church or in a cemetery where people are buried, usually the members of a single family.

    e.g. He ordered that Matilda's body should be buried in the family vault.

3. 拱顶;穹窿
    A vault is an arched roof or ceiling.


    e.g. ...the vault of a great cathedral.

4. (尤指用手支撑)跳跃,跳过
    If you vault something or vault over it, you jump quickly onto or over it, especially by putting a hand on top of it to help you balance while you jump.

    e.g. He could easily vault the wall...
    e.g. Ned vaulted over a fallen tree...

vault 单语例句

1. She has an unbeaten record on the vault since the 2005 Worlds and new choreography for the floor routine.

2. The Smiths said that when they get their coin back from Guth, they'll stick it in a bank vault for at least a while.

3. Defending vault champion Cheng Fei highlighted women's lineup, which featured a composition mainly by young gymnasts.

4. Excavation of the vault revealed thousands of warriors and their horses, an entire army designed to follow its emperor into eternity.

5. Before Cheng, no female gymnast had ever performed this particular vault in a world championship or Olympics.

6. No matter if she is making the pole vault event a mere formality at the Beijing Olympics.

7. Within the Beiyuan courtyard of Huanqiu is a round hall - the imperial vault where the spirit tablet of the heavenly god lies.

8. This move is perhaps the most difficult vault ever attempted by a female gymnast and is now officially named " The Cheng ".

9. The women's pole vault and hammer throw debuted at the Sydney 2000 Games.

10. When an evil spirit smashed the vault of heaven, it was Nu Wa who patched the sky up with melting stone.

vault 英英释义



1. the act of jumping over an obstacle

    Synonym: hurdle

2. an arched brick or stone ceiling or roof

3. a burial chamber (usually underground)

    Synonym: burial vault

4. a strongroom or compartment (often made of steel) for safekeeping of valuables

    Synonym: bank vault


1. bound vigorously

2. jump across or leap over (an obstacle)

    Synonym: overleap

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