
vertebrae是什么意思 vertebrae在线翻译 vertebrae什么意思 vertebrae的意思 vertebrae的翻译 vertebrae的解释 vertebrae的发音 vertebrae的同义词

vertebrae ['vɜ:tɪbri:]  ['vɜ:rtɪbri:] 


vertebrae 基本解释

名词椎骨; <解>椎骨,脊椎( vertebra的名词复数 )


vertebrae 网络解释

1. vertebrae是什么意思

1. 椎骨:由于译者也爱好军事,偶然发现美军战地手册-身体素质...它连接腰椎(lumbar),骨盆(pelvis),椎骨(vertebrae)和(...姿势:使身体向前倾斜保持支撑姿势. 动作:在协助者...

2. 脊椎:随后软骨开始硬化 ,每段脊椎(vertebrae)也开始愈合,神经管被脊椎包裹,脊索被分开,形成脊索小球,像一串念珠,夹于脊椎中. 鲨鱼体内的脊椎就是这样,头部还残留有软骨和没封闭完全的骨,脊椎简单愈合. 1) 脊索小球刚好镶入两侧的脊椎中央,

3. vertebrae

3. 脊椎骨:其中八块组成颅骨(cranium)用来保护脑、眼及耳.而其余的骨骼则是颜面骨及中耳的骨骼.位於头骨及最上方的一块脊椎骨之间的关节可使头部以前后方向点头.而位於第一块及第二块脊椎骨(vertebrae)之间的关节则可使头

4. 脊 颈椎 颈椎:vertaplane 垂直起落飞机 | vertebrae 脊 颈椎 颈椎 | vertebraelumbales 腰椎

vertebrae 单语例句

1. The paleontologists cannot explain functions of small holes found in the caudal vertebrae, located on near the tail joint.

2. Scientists with the bureau unearthed the fossils in 2005, including a complete skull without lower jaw and cervical and back vertebrae.

3. Doctors said she dislocated her fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae when she landed on her head and her lower body went numb.

4. Luciano was diagnosed as fracture in his skull and cervical vertebrae, an injury could lead to disability as paralysis.

5. Doctors said he fractured the top two vertebrae in his neck and damaged his spinal cord.

6. The boy underwent neurosurgery on Aug 4 to correct a dislocation of his first and second neck vertebrae.

7. Working on the computer for long hours at a stretch has injured her cervical vertebrae, causing serious pain in her neck.

8. He had two front teeth knocked out, damaged vertebrae and received oxygen on the pitch.

9. Robert Watkins issued a statement saying the fusion between two vertebrae had healed firmly and that Manning could increase the intensity of his workouts.

10. Li traveled from his home in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region to the hospital for treatment for his inflammation in his vertebrae on March 23.

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