
vertical是什么意思 vertical在线翻译 vertical什么意思 vertical的意思 vertical的翻译 vertical的解释 vertical的发音 vertical的同义词

vertical [ˈvɜ:tɪkl]  [ˈvɜ:rtɪkl] 


vertical 基本解释

形容词垂直的,竖立的; [解]头顶的; 顶点的; [植]纵长的,直上的

名词垂直线,垂直面; [建]竖杆; 垂直位置

vertical 同义词

vertical 反义词


vertical 相关词组

1. out of the vertical : 不垂直;

vertical 相关例句


1. The northern side of the mountain is almost vertical.

2. Walls are usually vertical.

vertical 网络解释

1. 弹跳:比如这篇给小前锋的空接贴我用魔兽当小前锋效果依然无比的好,只要是扣将,不论哪个位置都能出彩 预备工作,确定你的球队有比较能跳能扣的家伙,最好弹跳(VERTICAL)和扣篮(DUNK)都在70以上(SS和HOF推荐强力扣将例如卡特,

2. 垂直方向:-具体到产品层 面,根据以上的品牌理念和目标人 群,eTang 选择了目标人群最需要的六七个垂直方向 (vertical) 作为网站的基 础,常先生认 为,如果选择的方向太多的 话,那么每个方向就都不可能做得很 精.

3. vertical

3. vertical:vert; 垂直的

4. vertical:vert.; 垂直的

vertical 词典解释

1. 垂直的;直立的
    Something that is vertical stands or points straight up.

    e.g. The climber inched up a vertical wall of rock...
    e.g. The gadget can be attached to any vertical or near vertical surface.

Cut each bulb in half vertically.

2. 垂直方向
    The vertical is the direction that points straight up, at an angle of 90 degrees to a flat surface.


    e.g. Pluto seems to have suffered a major collision that tipped it 122 degrees from the vertical.

3. 垂直线;垂直面
    A vertical is a line or structure that is vertical.


    e.g. As long as the verticals align, the design will look regular.

vertical 单语例句


1. Establishing vertical business branches and horizontal regional headquarters in different countries and regions enables companies to form a new management structure.

2. A vertical management system for the central grain reserves was set up by and large.

3. The white canopy in the plaza representing Sky is supported by white pillars that represent a vertical forest.

4. But Carter can't wait to play for his new team and prove he hasn't lost a step or an inch on his vertical jump.

5. The government had pledged to improve energy efficiency during the cement production progress by eliminating vertical kilns and promoting more advanced technologies in rotary kilns.

6. The public and political analysts have been advocating a " vertical integration " mechanism, or centralized management of public administration.

7. As we were going downstream more fun and thrill were to be explored, its vertical drops and zigzag thrusts of water were adding more to the fun.

8. Financial services is CSC's largest commercial vertical market, and it represents more than 20 per cent of the company's revenues.

9. Managers should therefore establish vertical and horizontal communication channels in order to encourage constant discussion throughout the organization.

10. Another example of Yang's " thinking of the user " experience is the vertical concave and convex patterns on the tea set.


vertical 英英释义


1. a vertical structural member as a post or stake

    e.g. the ball sailed between the uprights

    Synonym: upright

2. something that is oriented vertically


1. of or relating to different levels in a hierarchy (as levels of social class or income group)

    e.g. vertical social mobility

2. at right angles to the plane of the horizon or a base line

    e.g. a vertical camera angle
           the monument consists of two vertical pillars supporting a horizontal slab
           measure the perpendicular height

    Synonym: perpendicular

3. upright in position or posture

    e.g. an erect stature
           erect flower stalks
           for a dog, an erect tail indicates aggression
           a column still vertical amid the ruins
           he sat bolt upright

    Synonym: erectupright

4. relating to or involving all stages of a business from production to distribution

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