
vet是什么意思 vet在线翻译 vet什么意思 vet的意思 vet的翻译 vet的解释 vet的发音 vet的同义词 vet的反义词 vet的例句 vet的相关词组

vet [vet]  [vɛt] 


vet 基本解释

及物动词检查; 审查(某人过去的记录、资格等); 诊疗


名词老兵; 〈美口〉同“veteran“

vet 网络解释

1. 医:AAALAC认证是我国新药安全评价和科学研究走向国际的一个重要环节,成为我国生命科学事业与实验动物福利与伦理与国际接轨的重要标志. 我国动物实验平台通过AAALAC认证的瓶颈在于兽医(Vet)培训和动物伦理委员会(IACUC)问题.

2. 职业教育与培训:其中参加职业教育與培訓(VET)方面的学生数量大大增加(因此在2010年1月1日后数额被大幅削减). 由于自2009年8月后对资料完整性的审查力度提高, 拒签率大大提升. 2009年7月到11月间的通过率下降到82.3%.

3. 背心:vegetable 蔬菜 | vet 背心 | veteran 退役军人

4. vet:vocational education and training; 职业教育

5. vet的解释

5. vet:vidicon electron tube; 摄像机电子管,光导摄像管

6. danci.911cha.com

6. vet:visual editing terminal; 可视编辑终端

vet 词典解释

1. 兽医
    A vet is someone who is qualified to treat sick or injured animals.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 veterinarian

2. 退伍军人;老兵;老战士
    A vet is someone who has served in the armed forces of their country, especially during a war.

    e.g. The New England Shelter in Boston will serve Christmas dinner for 200 vets...
    e.g. All three are Vietnam vets.

3. 检查;审查
    If something is vetted, it is checked carefully to make sure that it is acceptable to people in authority.


    e.g. He can find no trace of a rule requiring research to be vetted before publication...
    e.g. All objects are vetted by a distinguished panel of experts...

4. (尤指对将要从事涉及军事或政治机密工作人员的)调查,审查,考查
    If someone is vetted, they are investigated fully before being given a particular job, role, or position, especially one which involves military or political secrets.

    e.g. She was secretly vetted before she ever undertook any work for me...
    e.g. People who marry into the Royal Family will have to be vetted much more carefully in future.

The government is to make major changes to the procedure for carrying out security vetting.

vet 单语例句

1. Besides taking it to local vet, she has to clean the mess the dog makes in the house.

2. The vet speculated the bird might have eaten seeds that had been coated with pesticide.

3. A vet service is also available at the park, and sale of purebred puppies can be arranged with advance notice.

4. She rounded up Daisy and her pups and took them to ARTT headquarters in Kaohsiung, where the dogs were treated by a vet and given food and shelter.

5. A local vet said a rare genetic variation had caused the deformity.

6. Instead of farming the fields along the desolate mountainsides, the former vet opened a piggery.

7. The woman stuffed her dead dog and left it outside the entrance of the hospital to " make the vet feel guilty ".

8. Ground water " should not be affected, " said the head of the vet quarantine station in Beijing's Tongzhou District.

9. But this extreme show of puppy love is not what the vet orders, writes Hazel Parry.

10. US homeland security head Michael Chertoff is concerned at the terrorist threat from European travelers and is looking for ways to vet visitors more effectively.

vet 英英释义



1. a person who has served in the armed forces

    Synonym: veteranex-serviceman

2. a doctor who practices veterinary medicine

    Synonym: veterinarianveterinaryveterinary surgeon



1. provide veterinary care for

2. provide (a person) with medical care

3. examine carefully

    e.g. Someone should vet this report before it goes out

4. work as a veterinarian

    e.g. She vetted for the farms in the area for many years

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