
veto是什么意思 veto在线翻译 veto什么意思 veto的意思 veto的翻译 veto的解释 veto的发音 veto的同义词 veto的反义词 veto的例句 veto的相关词组

veto [ˈvi:təʊ]  [ˈvi:toʊ] 


veto 基本解释

名词行使否决权; 否决权,否认权; 否决理由

及物动词否决,不同意; 不批准,禁止

不及物动词否决; 禁止

veto 相关例句


1. His parents vetoed his plan to buy a motorcycle.

2. The plan was vetoed by the government.


1. danci.911cha.com

1. The President threatened to use his veto over the bill.

2. The old man put a veto on soccer in his garden.

3. Father put a veto upon our staying out late.

veto 网络解释

1. veto的解释

1. 否决:不过在实际运作当中,很少发生执政官相互否决(veto)政令的局面. 这主要是因为 两名执政官通常都是一文一武,文官管理国家,武将在外征战. 执政官每年改选一次,在任期间不得免职,但如被揭发劣迹则有可能遭到弹劾与审判.

2. 短信防火墙:Mobile.Secretary移动秘书 | Veto短信防火墙 | Answering.Machine语音信箱

veto 词典解释

1. 否决;否定
    If someone in authority vetoes something, they forbid it, or stop it being put into action.


    e.g. De Gaulle vetoed Britain's application to join the EEC...
    e.g. The President vetoed the economic package passed by Congress.

2. 否决权
    Veto is the right that someone in authority has to forbid something.


    e.g. ...the President's power of veto.

veto 单语例句

1. Last week's veto by China and Russia was criticized by the United States and some European countries.

2. He pledged to veto any bill Congress might approve to block the agreement, but some lawmakers said they still were determined to capsize it.

3. The president is the ceremonial head of state in Singapore, with custodial powers on the state reserves and veto powers on certain key appointments.

4. The post is largely ceremonial, but the incumbent has the power to veto legislative bills and government appointments.

5. Most Sunni Muslim clerics and politicians have urged their followers to veto the charter, complaining they did not have adequate representation in drafting it.

6. The ruling coalition had long refused to meet the opposition's demand for cabinet veto power, saying the opposition was trying to restore Syrian control of Lebanon.

7. The governing coalition has refused to yield to the opposition's demand for effective veto power in cabinet.

8. Republicans said Democrats were scheduling the veto override vote to coincide with the week Bush comes to Congress for the State of the Union address.

9. The treaty reduces national veto rights to allow more decisions to be made by majority voting instead of unanimous consent.

10. The czar would have the power to veto automaker expenditures over $ 100 million.


veto 英英释义


1. a vote that blocks a decision

2. the power or right to prohibit or reject a proposed or intended act (especially the power of a chief executive to reject a bill passed by the legislature)



1. command against

    e.g. I forbid you to call me late at night
           Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store
           Dad nixed our plans

    Synonym: forbidprohibitinterdictproscribedisallownix

2. vote against
    refuse to endorse
    refuse to assent

    e.g. The President vetoed the bill

    Synonym: blackballnegative

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