
visible是什么意思 visible在线翻译 visible什么意思 visible的意思 visible的翻译 visible的解释 visible的发音 visible的同义词 visible的反义词

visible [ˈvɪzəbl]  [ˈvɪzəbəl] 

visible 基本解释


形容词看得见的; 明显的,显然的; 手头的,可得到的; 可察觉到的


visible 同义词


visible 反义词


visible 相关例句


1. This object serves no visible purpose.

2. The smoke from the fire was visible from the road.

3. Mr.Brown is a highly visible politician.

4. These tiny creatures are hardly visible to the naked eyes.

5. She showed no visible nervousness.

visible 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 可见的:这个window是可移动的(movable)并且初始为不可见的(invisible)呢,还是不可移动的(unmovable)并且初始为 可见的(visible)呢?读者需要记住参数的含义的顺序才能确定这一点. ...

2. 显示:与其他控件关联的标签,它本身会随着你对其他控件的显示而显示,隐藏而隐藏,但你如果在其属性对话框中的显示(Visible)作了更改,那本功能就有可能会自动失效了.

visible 词典解释

1. 可见的;看得见的
    If something is visible, it can be seen.


    e.g. The warning lights were clearly visible...
    e.g. They found a bacterium visible to the human eye...

2. 明显的;引人注目的;能认出的
    You use visible to describe something or someone that people notice or recognize.

    e.g. The most visible sign of the intensity of the crisis is unemployment...
    e.g. He was making a visible effort to control himself...

The Russians were visibly wavering...
They emerged visibly distressed and weeping.

3. 有形的;商品的
    In economics, visible earnings are the money that a country makes as a result of producing goods, rather than from services such as banking and tourism.

    e.g. In the UK visible imports have traditionally been greater than visible exports.

visible 单语例句

1. They posed quickly for cameras with no visible signs of the marital distress that tabloids have been buzzing about recently.

2. The images he has photographed prove the Great Wall is by no means distinctive as being the only manmade structure visible from space.

3. The tombstone is still visible today and is considered by tourists as a symbol of love.

4. He said the killer had cleaned the murder scene so that the carnage was not visible from outside.

5. Clearly visible next to him was a carton of prestige cigarettes which would have cost several thousand yuan.

6. Wu Ting is in a contest which doubles as a reality show, tracking the casting for one of the most visible television dramas in the country.

7. Yet in actual practice, women are facing various visible and invisible disparities by gender.

8. Another catalyst was the completion of JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai opening in 2003, as it was very high quality in many aspects and very visible.

9. A scan showed no visible lesions, meaning all were less than 1 centimeter in length.

10. While the ill effects of climate change are increasingly visible worldwide, the international community has failed to find remedies for the dreadful state of our environment.

visible 英英释义



1. obvious to the eye

    e.g. a visible change of expression

2. capable of being seen
    or open to easy view

    e.g. a visible object
           visible stars
           mountains visible in the distance
           a visible change of expression
           visible files

    Synonym: seeable

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