
vogue是什么意思 vogue在线翻译 vogue什么意思 vogue的意思 vogue的翻译 vogue的解释 vogue的发音 vogue的同义词 vogue的反义词 vogue的例句

vogue [vəʊg]  [voʊg] 


vogue 基本解释

名词时尚,流行; 时髦的事物



vogue 相关词组

1. come into vogue : 开始流行;

2. all the vogue : 最新流行品;

3. be out of vogue : 不时髦, 不流行;


vogue 相关例句


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. The song had a great vogue at one time.

2. The novel had an enormous vogue in the 1930's.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. This hair style was brought into vogue by Hollywood stars.

4. Full-length coats are no longer the vogue.

vogue 网络解释

1. 时尚,流行:V派包涵至尊消费(VIP)、活力四射(Vigocous)、时尚流行(Vogue)等三重含义,本次活动旨在联合一批知名的商场、餐饮、旅游、健康服务机构,共同为时尚女性打造更加完美的生活圈、消费圈.

2. <时尚>>杂志:法新社报道,<<时尚杂志>>(Vogue)摄影师黎米勒以及女星梅.扎特林的大量私生活遭英国军情五处(MI5)以及警察部门的政治保安处监视. 梅.扎特林1962年曾与彼得谢勒(Peter Sellers)搭档演出<<两人游戏>>(Only Two Can Play),

3. 时髦:20世纪20年代末,他成为<<时髦>>(Vogue)杂志的艺术设计总编,他开始投入商业刊物的平面设计工作,并且开始广泛采用刚刚出现的彩色摄影来设计封面和插图.

vogue 词典解释

1. 时尚;时髦;流行;风尚
    If there is a vogue for something, it is very popular and fashionable.

    e.g. Despite the vogue for so-called health teas, there is no evidence that they are any healthier...
    e.g. In Britain there's been something of a vogue for these books.

2. 正在流行/变得流行
    If something is in vogue, is very popular and fashionable. If it comes into vogue, it becomes very popular and fashionable.


    e.g. Pale colours are much more in vogue than autumnal bronzes and coppers.
    e.g. ...the hippie-ethnic look which came into vogue in the late 60s.

vogue 单语例句

1. Those images for Vogue magazine feature Monroe in next to nothing, posing nude with some scarves and jewelry as her accessories and sipping champagne.

2. Supermodels Linda Evangelista and Christy Turlington are at odds over Botox in the new issue of style magazine Vogue.

3. British Vogue fashion director Lucinda Chambers deemed the collection in keeping with the iconic label's founder Coco Chanel's classic and chic aesthetic.

4. Former Vogue executive Bronwyn Cosgrave said she was confident that Coco could become as famous as Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell.

5. But with much easier access to modern society, shorter hair has come into vogue in Tibet.

6. Angelina Jolie appears on the cover of Vogue magazine's January issue.

7. The first photo displayed is a portrait of Lady Gaga, which was a Vogue cover in 2009.

8. Cutler which followed her Vogue team for almost nine months in 2007.

9. The author is director of Beijing Vogue Glamour Brand Marketing Inc, a brand consultancy.

10. The overnight online popularity of a vagabond because of his handsome face and seemingly vogue but dirty outfits has put too much attention on him.

vogue 英英释义


1. the popular taste at a given time

    e.g. leather is the latest vogue
           he followed current trends
           the 1920s had a style of their own

    Synonym: trendstyle

2. a current state of general acceptance and use

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