
wandering是什么意思 wandering在线翻译 wandering什么意思 wandering的意思 wandering的翻译 wandering的解释 wandering的发音 wandering的同义词

wandering ['wɒndərɪŋ]  ['wɒndərɪŋ] 


wandering 基本解释

形容词漫游的; 闲逛的; (精神)恍惚的; 错乱的

名词流浪; 神志恍惚; 精神错乱

动词漫游( wander的现在分词 ); 走神; 神志恍惚; (思想)开小差

wandering 网络解释

1. 漫游 :可读写光驱又称刻录机. 用于读取或存储大容量的多媒体信息. (4)探索式教学模式 探索式教学模式一般由以下几个环节组成:确定问题、创设教学情境、探索学习、反馈、学习效果评价. 制约因素主要有:漫游(Wandering)和迷向(Disorientation).

2. wandering在线翻译

2. 彷徨(鲁迅作品集):野草(鲁迅作品集) Wild Grass | 彷徨(鲁迅作品集) Wandering | 故事新编(鲁迅作品集) Old Tales Retold

3. 巴奈流浪记:02 不要不要讨好 me myself | 03 巴奈流浪记 Wandering | 04 浮沉 Floating, Sinking

wandering 词典解释

1. 流浪的;漂泊的
    Wandering is used to describe people who travel around rather than staying in one place for a long time.


    e.g. ...a band of wandering musicians.

wandering 单语例句


1. So the journalist began wandering the city on weekends with a 1956 Rolleiflex camera - a German model distinctive for its twin lenses.

2. On March 17 of that year Sun was wandering down a street in south China's Guangdong Province without his ID card or temporary residence certificate.

3. Carefully choreographed and performed by some of the best kungfu practitioners in China, the show tells the story of a young boy found wandering outside an ancient temple.

4. An employee of Whole Foods Market found the Brazilian Wandering Spider Sunday in bananas from Honduras and managed to catch it in a container.

5. That's the message women are flashing on their cell phones with a popular program designed to ward off wandering hands in Japan's congested commuter trains.

6. Hurricane rescuers found seven children wandering together at an evacuation point in central New Orleans.

7. It is common to see people wandering the streets in Shanghai clad in their pajamas.

8. Throw in some unruly puppet lions with the shatter and clamour of fireworks and cymbals and wandering spirits are incapacitated.

9. Many visitors are tourists who come after wandering the neighboring Xiamen University campus.

10. Among the most frequent visitors are wandering cats that come and go from a hole in the window.


wandering 英英释义



1. travelling about without any clear destination

    e.g. she followed him in his wanderings and looked after him

    Synonym: rovingvagabondage



1. having no fixed course

    e.g. an erratic comet
           his life followed a wandering course
           a planetary vagabond

    Synonym: erraticplanetary

2. migratory

    e.g. a restless mobile society
           the nomadic habits of the Bedouins
           believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future
           wandering tribes

    Synonym: mobilenomadicperegrineroving

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