
want是什么意思 want在线翻译 want什么意思 want的意思 want的翻译 want的解释 want的发音 want的同义词 want的反义词 want的例句 want的相关词组

want [wɒnt]  [wɑ:nt] 


want 基本解释

动词想要; 希望; 打算; 需要…在场

名词需要的东西; 缺少; 贫穷


want 同义词


want 反义词



want 相关例句


1. That sort of work wants a lot of patience.

2. It wants five minutes to three.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. What you want is a holiday.

4. want的反义词

4. It wants 4 inches of 3 feet.

want 情景对话


B:Want to go for a (ride/ drive/ spin)?



A:I want the one with the highest (interest rate/ returns/ rate).





A:I always want to (smoke/ drink/ sleep).


B:No. You can’t.

want 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 想:Ogle在1986年提出的K-W-L技术是就是一种简单易行的引导策略:当学生学习新知识前,先写下他们关于新知识已经了解(Know)的知识点,以及他们想(Want)学习的内容,将学生写的内容展示出来.

want 词典解释

1. 需要;想要
    If you want something, you feel a desire or a need for it.


    e.g. I want a drink...
    e.g. Ian knows exactly what he wants in life...

Note that want and wish have similar meanings, but are used differently. If you want something, you feel a need for it or a desire to have it. You can say that you want to do something, that you want someone to do something, or that you want something to happen. If you use wish with a 'to' infinitive, this has the same meaning as want but is more formal. I want to get out of here... She wished to consult him about her future.
want 和 wish 意思相近,但用法不同。want 表示感觉需要或希望拥有某物。可以说 want to do something (想要做某事),want someone to do something (想要某人做某事) 或 want something to happen (想要某事发生)。wish 与带 to 的不定式连用,和 want 意思一样,但更加正式。例如:I want to get out of here (我想要离开这里),She wished to consult him about her future (她希望和他商量自己未来的发展)。

2. 打算
    You can say that you want to say something to indicate that you are about to say it.


    e.g. I want to say how really delighted I am that you're having a baby...
    e.g. Look, I wanted to apologize for today. I think I was a little hard on you.

3. (用于疑问句中表示提议或邀请)想要,需要
    You use want in questions as a way of making an offer or inviting someone to do something.


    e.g. Do you want another cup of coffee?...
    e.g. Do you want to leave your bike here?

4. 必须;需要
    If you say to someone that you want something, or ask them if they want to do it, you are firmly telling them what you want or what you want them to do.


    e.g. I want an explanation from you, Jeremy...
    e.g. If you have a problem with that, I want you to tell me right now...

5. 需要(做);该(做)
    If you say that something wants doing, you think that it needs to be done.

    e.g. The windows wanted cleaning...
    e.g. Her hair wants cutting.

6. (用于建议)应该做
    If you tell someone that they want to do a particular thing, you are advising them to do it.


    e.g. You want to be very careful not to have a man like Crevecoeur for an enemy...
    e.g. You want to look where you're going, mate.

7. 通缉;缉拿
    If someone is wanted by the police, the police are searching for them because they are thought to have committed a crime.


    e.g. They were wanted by the police...
    e.g. He has killed many in his time, and is wanted in at least three countries...

He is one of the most wanted criminals in Europe.

8. 想与…发生性关系
    If you want someone, you have a great desire to have sex with them.

    e.g. Come on, darling. I want you.

9. 照料,爱护(小孩)
      If a child is wanted, its mother or another person loves it and is willing to look after it.


      e.g. Children should be wanted and planned...
      e.g. I want this baby very much, because it certainly will be the last.

10. 想要;要
      If someone wants you in a particular place or role, they desire you to be in that place or role.

      e.g. Albie wants you in his office...
      e.g. They didn't want her as attorney general...

11. 缺乏;缺少
      A want of something is a lack of it.

      e.g. ...a want of manners and charm...
      e.g. The men were daily becoming weaker from want of rest.

12. 极度贫困
      Want is the state of being extremely poor.

      e.g. He said they were fighting for freedom of speech, freedom of worship, and freedom from want.

13. 想要的东西
      Your wants are the things that you want.

      e.g. She couldn't lift a spoon without a servant anticipating her wants and getting it for her...
      e.g. Supermarkets often claim that they are responding to the wants of consumers by providing packaged foods.

14. 由于缺少;由于没有
      If you do something for want of something else, you do it because the other thing is not available or not possible.

      e.g. Many of them had gone into teaching for want of anything better to do...
      e.g. There was another emotion, and for want of a better word he called it grief.

15. 如果你想;如果你愿意
      You say if you want when you are making or agreeing to an offer or suggestion in a casual way.


      e.g. Mary says you're welcome to stay the night if you want...
      e.g. 'Do you want to go through it all?' — 'Yeah, if you want.'

16. 我并不想…;我无意…
      People sometimes say 'I don't want to be rude', for example, or 'without wanting to be rude' as a way of apologizing or warning you when they are going to say something which might upset, annoy, or worry you.

      e.g. 'I don't want to appear big-headed,' explains Loubet, 'but I would say there is a 95% chance of success.'...
      e.g. Without wanting to sound mean about it, these things all have to come from a budget.

17. (粗暴或生气地问)你想干什么?
      If you say to someone 'what do you want?', you are asking them in a rather rude or angry way why they have come to the place where you are or why they want to speak to you.

      e.g. 'What do you want!' she whispered savagely. 'Get out.'...
      e.g. 'Bernie's been on the phone.' — 'What does he want?'

相关词组:want out

want 单语例句

1. They are retained in the SAR political establishment because the business interests want certain form of safeguards against possible encroachment.

2. Some Irish citizens see this as a business opportunity, and want to begin exporting their meat products to China.

3. Such a limited business scope is perfect for foreign investors who want to test the waters in the China market before making a big commitment.

4. He also made it clear that the business sector does not want a statutory minimum wage.

5. " Fencing is a gentleman's game and I want my son to be a gentleman, " Wang's mother Yang Ning said.

6. China wants to develop peacefully, but what if others do not want China to develop peacefully?

7. Most of the company's clients cannot afford to buy cars at present, but want to travel on holidays.

8. Those who want to use other operators'services can choose to buy the iPhone from Apple stores in China.

9. Some Chinese entrepreneurs who want to buy foreign companies just go forward to make a proposal.

10. These people want all the luxuries that money can buy in the US and England.

want 英英释义



1. a specific feeling of desire

    e.g. he got his wish
           he was above all wishing and desire

    Synonym: wishwishing

2. anything that is necessary but lacking

    e.g. he had sufficient means to meet his simple needs
           I tried to supply his wants

    Synonym: need

3. the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable

    e.g. there is a serious lack of insight into the problem
           water is the critical deficiency in desert regions
           for want of a nail the shoe was lost

    Synonym: lackdeficiency

4. a state of extreme poverty

    Synonym: privationdeprivationneediness


1. wish or demand the presence of

    e.g. I want you here at noon!

2. have need of

    e.g. This piano wants the attention of a competent tuner

    Synonym: needrequire

3. hunt or look for
    want for a particular reason

    e.g. Your former neighbor is wanted by the FBI
           Uncle Sam wants you

4. feel or have a desire for
    want strongly

    e.g. I want to go home now
           I want my own room

    Synonym: desire

5. be without, lack
    be deficient in

    e.g. want courtesy
           want the strength to go on living
           flood victims wanting food and shelter

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