
warmheartedness是什么意思 warmheartedness在线翻译 warmheartedness什么意思 warmheartedness的意思 warmheartedness的翻译 warmheartedness的解释


warmheartedness 基本解释


warmheartedness 双语例句

1. The traverse a lot of years, In the mind longs for possesing a mountain always, It possess the back straightening, There is the green shade of genial man, There is the limitless view to be living the perilous peak, The eyes that possess one pair to concern silently be able to be understand my taciturn, Receive my warmheartedness, Urge me to rise steadily in one's career

2. He was the most caring and dependable of them all. What attracted me even more was the warmheartedness of his parents.

3. warmheartedness的近义词

3. Finally, I am sincerely grateful to you for your kindness, friendship and warmheartedness. This has made my life in a remote country warm and colourful. To improve my work, I will always need your help, so thank you in anticipation for your understanding and support. I know it may be a little bit hard at the beginning, but just as a popular saying goes

4. Finally, I am sincerely grateful to you for your kindness, friendship and warmheartedness. This has made my life in a remote country warm and colourful. To improve my work, I will always need your help, so thank you in anticooption for your understanding and support. I know it may be a little bit hard at the beginning, but just as a popular saying goes

5. Our prideful work target is quality, effectiveness, innovation, service and so on. We shall continue our unparalleled warmheartedness and excellent technology to supply best consideration and most efficient services for all of our customers. Our goal is to become the dominant ultrathin lighting-box and light-leading board supplier inside of China.

6. warmheartedness什么意思

6. We warmheartedness greet home and abroad client sends a telephone、your letter either coming personally to discuss and place an order.

7. As to lately does not run out tablet Anna Sui and transfers up the sweet atmosphere to doll warmheartedness according to the tablet, Colour that what cannot do without is rich but mystical, The sweet atmosphere transmites out summer fruit cheerful, Consist of the fingered citron mandarin orange、Watermelon、Apple、The Chinese cinnamon tree is awaited by the flavor that man slavers wish to drip, Finally line the green leaf flavor, Pang's Buddha gentle breeze has puff summer the treetop cool and refreshing.
    至于一向不按牌理出牌的Anna Sui把对洋娃娃的热情转移到香氛上,少不了的是丰富又神秘的色彩,香氛传达出夏日水果的愉悅,包括佛手柑、西瓜、苹果、肉桂等让人垂涎欲滴的滋味,最后衬着绿叶的味道,彷彿微风吹过夏日树梢的清涼。

warmheartedness 英英释义


1. a positive feeling of liking

    e.g. he had trouble expressing the affection he felt
           the child won everyone's heart
           the warmness of his welcome made us feel right at home

    Synonym: affectionaffectionatenessfondnesstendernessheartwarmnessphilia

2. a warmhearted feeling

    Synonym: warmth

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