
warning是什么意思 warning在线翻译 warning什么意思 warning的意思 warning的翻译 warning的解释 warning的发音 warning的同义词 warning的反义词

warning [ˈwɔ:nɪŋ]  [ˈwɔ:rnɪŋ] 


warning 基本解释

名词警告; 征候,预兆; 前车之鉴

形容词警告的; 告诫的; 引以为戒的

动词提醒; 告诫; 警告( warn的现在分词); 预先通知

warning 网络解释

1. 警报:这张图片展示了地震后的海啸时间线. 在美国时间今日下午(现在貌似是早上8:40)海啸将到达美国和墨西哥边境. 加利福尼亚发出预警(ADVISORY)而夏威夷发出了警报(WARNING)

2. 提醒:return 0;} 以上三种情况的代码语法上没有显著的错误,在一些较早的编译环境中,如,VC++ 4.0,通常可以编译通过,或至多给出问题提醒(Warning). 后来的编译工具,如,VC++6.0和其他一些常用的C++编译软件,不能通过以上代码的编译,

3. 告警:正常(OK)态标记为绿色,告警(WARNING)态为黄色,紧急(CRITICAL)为红色,未知(UNKOWN)态为橙色. 由于没有转换主监控服务器(Nagios-A)的被动主机检测结果,Nagios-C将认为Router-D处于不可达,除非它自已得到其真的宕机. 相同地,

warning 词典解释

1. (口头或书面的)警告,警示
    A warning is something which is said or written to tell people of a possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant thing that might happen.


    e.g. The minister gave a warning that if war broke out, it would be catastrophic...
    e.g. He was killed because he ignored a warning to put stronger cords on his parachute...

2. 预告;预兆
    A warning is an advance notice of something that will happen, often something unpleasant or dangerous.

    e.g. The soldiers opened fire without warning...
    e.g. With no warning, he was fired from his job...

3. 警告的;告诫的
    Warning actions or signs give a warning.


    e.g. She ignored the warning signals...
    e.g. Some fog warning signs had been put up with flashing yellow lights.

warning 单语例句

1. GE said that disruptions in its financial business late in the quarter kept it from warning Wall Street.

2. The statement and the remarks are warning to certain countries not to use ASEAN to act against China.

3. The warning gave police time to seal off the area, but dozens were hurt by flying glass or the force of the blast.

4. The warning signs painted in red were one of the measures taken by the local authority in handling the aftermath of the incident.

5. Officials said they were hopeful many settlers would leave the area before the deadline, but also issued a stern warning of tough action against anyone who resists.

6. The Kaloko Reservoir dam gave way without warning after days of heavy rain, washing out the island's main coastal highway used by thousands of residents and tourists.

7. So Tuesday's accident should be a warning for the safety management department to swing into action and rule out potential dangers.

8. Cai said as irrefutable evidence for the atrocities of the invading Japanese army, the site is a mirror of history and a warning to the future.

9. The company did little to bolster the market's confidence, warning on a conference call that things may yet get worse.

10. Chile's defense minister has said the navy made a mistake by not immediately activating a tsunami warning.

warning 英英释义


1. cautionary advice about something imminent (especially imminent danger or other unpleasantness)

    e.g. a letter of admonition about the dangers of immorality
           the warning was to beware of surprises
           his final word of advice was not to play with matches

    Synonym: admonitionmonitionword of advice

2. notification of something, usually in advance

    e.g. they gave little warning of their arrival
           she had only had four days' warning before leaving Berlin

3. a message informing of danger

    e.g. a warning that still more bombs could explode

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