
weaken是什么意思 weaken在线翻译 weaken什么意思 weaken的意思 weaken的翻译 weaken的解释 weaken的发音 weaken的同义词 weaken的反义词 weaken的例句

weaken [ˈwi:kən]  [ˈwikən] 


weaken 基本解释

及物/不及物动词衰减; (使)削弱; (使)变弱; 变得优柔寡断

weaken 反义词


weaken 相关例句


1. We never weaken our efforts in face of difficulties.


1. His sense of duty never weakens.

weaken 网络解释

1. 削弱:削弱(Weaken)等级:6先修技能:伤害加深 解释:削弱可以让受诅咒的敌人对您或是您的手下所造成的伤害减少. 当这个技能被施展在一名敌人(或是一群敌人)身上时,可以让敌人的攻击力降低三分之一. 在您需要防御的情况下,

2. 变弱:在理论上,印墨不可被乳化(Emulsify),也就是吸收水槽中的水份后,变成乳状;因此原则上要求印墨既不可以与版面上非画线部份的水份结合,也不可以对油墨有任何损害,尤其是影响印墨的色彩或乾燥性,以及使版面或印刷品的线画变弱(Weaken)、生泡、浮污(Sc

3. 弱化--削弱:Dim Vision--视力模糊--微暗靈視;简称: Dim | Weaken--弱化--削弱; | Iron maiden--钢铁处女--攻擊反噬;简称: IM

4. 削弱,减弱,变衰弱:slow down 减速减退,衰退 | weaken 削弱,减弱,变衰弱 | Mercedes-Benz 梅赛德斯-奔驰

weaken 词典解释

1. 削弱;减弱
    If you weaken something or if it weakens, it becomes less strong or less powerful.

    e.g. The recession has weakened so many firms that many can no longer survive...
    e.g. The Prime Minister's opponents believe that her authority has been fatally weakened...

2. (使)(决心)动摇
    If your resolve weakens or if something weakens it, you become less determined or less certain about taking a particular course of action that you had previously decided to take.

    e.g. I looked at the list and felt my resolve weakening...
    e.g. Jennie weakened, and finally relented...

3. 使虚弱;使无力
    If something weakens you, it causes you to lose some of your physical strength.

    e.g. Malnutrition obviously weakens the patient.

4. 使松动;使损坏
    If something weakens an object, it does something to it which causes it to become less firm and more likely to break.


    e.g. A bomb blast had weakened an area of brick on the back wall...
    e.g. Never dry underwear over direct heat; it will weaken the fabric.

weaken 单语例句


1. He added that the impact of SARS though substantial is only temporary and by no means will it weaken Hong Kong's position in global aviation.

2. Washington believes that its waning influence would weaken its capability to intervene in other countries'internal affairs and thus the new policy thrust.

3. Carry trades further weaken the yen as traders sell off the currency.

4. The prime minister said he hoped the guidelines might clarify the complex circumstances surrounding the issue and weaken the case for changing the law.

5. Hurricane Flossie churned toward Hawaii with 217 kph winds early yesterday, but forecasters predicted the Category 4 storm would weaken before passing by the islands.

6. He admitted his grand slam breakthrough had lifted a weight of expectation, but was adamant it would not weaken his focus.

7. Economists said the zloty was set to weaken when markets opened on Monday, also reflecting concern the campaign for presidential polls on October 9 may disrupt coalition talks.

8. As Obama seeks to pull out combat troops over the next three years, the government's hand may weaken further.

9. After months of resistance over fears the deal would weaken India's sovereignty, the communist allies of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government relented last week.

10. Liu said to take the corporation responsibility may weaken competitiveness because of rising costs, but the trend of a worldwide campaign toward responsibility may also strengthen competitiveness.

weaken 英英释义



1. become weaker

    e.g. The prisoner's resistance weakened after seven days

2. lessen the strength of

    e.g. The fever weakened his body

3. reduce the level or intensity or size or scope of

    e.g. de-escalate a crisis

    Synonym: de-escalatestep down

4. lessen in force or effect

    e.g. soften a shock
           break a fall

    Synonym: dampendampsoftenbreak

5. destroy property or hinder normal operations

    e.g. The Resistance sabotaged railroad operations during the war

    Synonym: sabotageunderminecounterminecounteractsubvert

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