
wearing是什么意思 wearing在线翻译 wearing什么意思 wearing的意思 wearing的翻译 wearing的解释 wearing的发音 wearing的同义词 wearing的反义词

wearing [ˈweərɪŋ]  [ˈwerɪŋ] 


wearing 基本解释



动词穿着( wear的现在分词 ); 磨成; 使疲乏; 同意

wearing 情景对话


A:Hey, Olaf, is this a picture of you?

B:That’s a good guess, but actually that’s my brother.

A:But, he looks just like you!

B:Maybe that’s because we’re twins!


A:I see. Who else is in the picture?

B:The person to my twin brother’s left is his wife, Susan.

A:Do they have any children?

B:They just have one son named David. He’s the little one over there wearing the red sweater.

A:Oh, he’s very cute. Who is the woman next to Susan?


B:That’s my older sister, Frederique.

A:Is she married?


B:No, but she’s been dating the same guy for five years. He’s the guy with the glasses behind her.

A:He’s cute. What about your parents? Are they in the picture, too?


B:No, the older couple in the picture is my aunt Mary and my uncle Joseph.

A:Why aren’t you in that picture?

B:I was taking it!

wearing 网络解释

1. 穿戴:2011年春夏皮革流行色共分两个部分,即穿戴(wearing)和生活(Living). 穿戴(wearing)由服装、鞋子和附件的灵感和色彩构成.

2. wearing什么意思

2. 磨损的:wearing apparel 衣服 | wearing 磨损的 | wearisome 使疲倦的

3. 穿着的;消耗的:wearing test 磨损试验 | wearing 穿着的;消耗的 | wearing 磨损的

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 消耗的:wearing 磨损的 | wearing 消耗的 | wearing-in period 磨损时间

wearing 词典解释

1. 令人疲倦的;使人身心疲惫的
    If you say that a situation or activity is wearing, you mean that it requires a lot of energy and makes you feel mentally or physically tired.


    e.g. She finds the continual confrontation very wearing...
    e.g. Being in demand can be rather wearing.

wearing 单语例句

1. Wearing a smart business suit and tie, he would surely speak English wouldn't he?

2. I was wearing an old business suit of my father's and I sat in the back row.

3. By day you can spot the prostitutes hanging around the restaurants, often wearing skimpy clothes that would be unimaginable for any Afghan woman.

4. Geldof compounded the error by also wearing both versions of the rather obscure Sudanese Order of the Two Niles on his jacket.

5. The mother said a man wearing a mask carried her daughter away by force.

6. The man at left is wearing an Islamic flag, also used by Hamas as their symbol.

7. " Wearing a suit made by a Hongdu master was a symbol of high social status, " Gao said.

8. Passengers later described the panic and confusion in the darkened cabin as passengers not wearing seat belts were hurled from their seats.

9. Air attendants wearing traditional costumes specially designed for the charter flights, tried to create a festive atmosphere by preparing a lot of decorations in the cabin.

10. Witnesses to Wednesday's attack said a man wearing a black trench coat entered the school cafeteria and opened fire without uttering a word.


wearing 英英释义



1. the act of having on your person as a covering or adornment

    e.g. she bought it for everyday wear

    Synonym: wear

2. (geology) the mechanical process of wearing or grinding something down (as by particles washing over it)

    Synonym: erosionerodingeating awaywearing away



1. producing exhaustion

    e.g. an exhausting march
           the visit was especially wearing

    Synonym: exhaustingtiringwearying

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