
weatherglass是什么意思 weatherglass在线翻译 weatherglass什么意思 weatherglass的意思 weatherglass的翻译 weatherglass的解释 weatherglass的发音

weatherglass ['weðəglɑ:s]  ['weðəglɑ:s] 

weatherglass 基本解释


名词睛雨表; 晴雨表,温度计

weatherglass 网络解释

1. 晴雨表:从监狱中逃脱三弦琴(Three席德梅尔的海盗攻略-stringedFiddle)六角风琴(Concertina)长途航行中提高水手快乐度晴雨表(WeatherGlass)气压计(PrecisionBarometer)暴风雨天气中航行时更安全荷兰开垦书(DutchRutter)无出现更多殖民地点,

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2. 晴雨计:weathered zone 风化带 | weatherglass 晴雨计 | weathering chart 风化图

3. 气压计:耐磨圈 wearing ring | 气压计 weatherglass | 老化计;耐候计 weatherometer

4. 晴雨表; 气压计; 湿度计 (名):weathercock 风标, 随风倒的人 (名) | weatherglass 晴雨表; 气压计; 湿度计 (名) | weatherman 天气预报员 (名)

weatherglass 双语例句

1. Price mechanism is one of the most important ones in market, which is used as the indicator and weatherglass in National Economy.

2. In fact, everybody has a weatherglass of heart.

3. weatherglass在线翻译

3. Exhibition industry as the weatherglass of local economy of the tertiary industry has become one of the fastest developing industries.

4. Commercial street is the weatherglass of city economy development and the focus representation of city visual.

5. weatherglass

5. Itis indicated in the paper that the proportion of building energy consumption in the total is a weatherglass ofdomestic economy.

6. weatherglass

6. The change in the scope of China's administrative litigation is a weatherglass showing the degree of China's administrative rule of law.

7. Accounting, as the weatherglass to reflect commercial language and financial situation, has faced a lot of challenges.

8. Is the stock market a " weatherglass " of macro-economy in china?

9. For instance, its functions of investment、resource allocation and weatherglass are seriously absent.

10. As the weatherglass of social transformation, the essence of non-norms in advertisements was the production of an out-of-control society and the consequence of an out-of-control society was the appearance of the social problems.

11. In the residence marketization process, the price is the " weatherglass " of residential market.

12. Capital market has always been regarded as the " weatherglass " of macro economy.

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13. So the objects of intellectual property right, which is the weatherglass of the development of the system of intellectual property rights, embody the value orientation of the legal system of intellectual property rights to a certain extent.

14. With the open policy of retail trade, it has become the most animate industry which develops the fastest in China which turns into the weatherglass of Chinese economic development.

15. weatherglass

15. The conclusion shows that: as the basic and supporting industry, the real estate industry works as a weatherglass of the national economy, and its fluctuation has more close relationship with the national economy.

16. weatherglass的解释

16. Crime rate is considered as an indicator of or a weatherglass for social progress and prosperity and as well the Number one social problem for a transitional society. Public order issues are a concentrated embodiment of the social order crisis of a transitional society.

17. weatherglass在线翻译

17. Securities market is known as " weatherglass " of national economy, it plays an important hub role for effective operation of the whole market mechanism, so it is indispensable for its position in the market system.

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18. Urban land pricing is at once an lever for adjusting the land market and a weatherglass for the prosperity of the state macro economy.

19. Cross-national marriage happened in two different genus between each group member, which is a kind of special form of marriage, seen as weatherglass of the national relationship, measure the important index of national fusion of the harmonious development of the multinational country has an important significance.

20. Resulting from its character of high efficiency and high ratio of increase, MCE has become the promoter for the economy of the city, and the weatherglass for the condition of the national economy.

weatherglass 单语例句

1. As the weatherglass for swimwear fashion in China, the Hosa Cup brought to life the latest designs for the season of 2007.

weatherglass 英英释义


1. a simple barometer for indicating changes in atmospheric pressure

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