
weeds是什么意思 weeds在线翻译 weeds什么意思 weeds的意思 weeds的翻译 weeds的解释 weeds的发音 weeds的同义词 weeds的反义词 weeds的例句

weeds [wi:dz]  [wi:dz] 


weeds 基本解释


名词水草; (寡妇的)丧服,黑纱带; 杂草( weed的名词复数 ); 烟草; 大麻烟

动词除杂草( weed的第三人称单数 ); 说笑话,开玩笑( jest的过去式和过去分词 ); 很早的

weeds 网络解释

1. 杂草:若割草后鼻塞,显然与草有关;猫狗毛发是常见的过敏之一,一般猫毛不容易由房间清除,有时需二个星期至二年,才可由空调系统中除去;春天大部份是花粉及草过敏,夏天树木过敏多,秋天杂草(Weeds)过敏较多,而冬天以灰尘过敏较多,

2. <<单身毒妈>:eena Davis)<<三军统率>>(Commander in Chief)剧情类系列剧最佳男演员休-劳瑞(Hugh Laurie) <<豪斯医生>> (House)音乐/喜剧类最佳系列剧女演员 玛丽-路易斯-帕克(Mary-Louise Parker) <<单身毒妈>> (Weeds)音乐/喜剧类最佳系

3. weeds

3. 单身独妈:玛丽-路易斯.帕克至今未婚,虽然她与演员比尔.克鲁度普(Bill Crudup)有着长期的近似于伙伴的关系,但最后两人还是于2003年分道扬镳. 她在<<单身独妈>>(Weeds)的表演为她带来了2007年第59届美国黄金时段艾美奖喜剧类电视剧最佳女主角的提名.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. (寡妇的)丧服, 黑纱带:aeriferous 装气的, 送气的 | weeds (寡妇的)丧服, 黑纱带 | show respect for 对...表示尊敬

weeds 单语例句

1. Trapping lamps were put out for insects, and farmers killed weeds by hand.

2. A perverse spring and summer season descended on United States waters this year, spreading death and destruction like weeds choking an untended garden.

3. The other ripples come courtesy of fishes swimming between the weeds near the bank.

4. It is such an easy grape that a rather disparaging grower in Australia once told me the Chardonnay was sprouting like " weeds " all over.

5. To drive home the message of population control, the slogans sprung up like weeds after family planning became a national policy in 1979.

6. It will take time because the weeds of twisted minds can only be corrected by enlightenment.

7. Bush called for increased federal research into alternative fuels such as ethanol made from weeds or wood chips instead of corn.

8. I fought my way through the crowd to the tombs only to find weeds growing rampant around the headstone.

9. It said soybeans shipped from the US often contained harmful weeds, or herbicide residue.

10. The type of plant has become one of the most insidious weeds in Shanghai and cause the disappearance of more than 30 local plants.

weeds 英英释义


1. a black garment (dress) worn by a widow as a sign of mourning

    Synonym: widow's weeds

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