
wetland是什么意思 wetland在线翻译 wetland什么意思 wetland的意思 wetland的翻译 wetland的解释 wetland的发音 wetland的同义词 wetland的反义词

wetland [ˈwetlənd]  [ˈwɛtˌlænd] 


wetland 基本解释

名词湿地; 潮湿的土壤,沼泽地; 沼泽地; 〈美〉野兽保护沼地

wetland 网络解释

1. 沼泽地:去年联合国调查两河流域的伊朗、伊拉克、叙利亚和土耳其河段,于近30年积极发展水利工程,兴建约30个堤坝(Dam)和排水系统,已经更进一步令本来所剩无几的沼泽地(wetland)逐渐干涸,成为沙漠.

2. wetland

2. 湿地 湿地:湿地 湿地(wetland)是位于陆生生态系统和水生生态系统之间的过渡性地带,在土壤浸泡在水中的特定环境下,生长着很多湿地的特征植物. 湿地广泛分布于世界各地,拥有众多野生动植物资源,是重要的生态系统. 很多珍稀水禽的繁殖和迁徙离不开湿地,

3. 潮湿的土壤:wether 阉羊 | wetland 潮湿的土壤 | wetly 潮湿地

wetland 词典解释

1. 湿地;沼泽地
    A wetland is an area of very wet, muddy land with wild plants growing in it. You can also refer to an area like this as wetlands .

    e.g. ...a scheme that aims to protect the wilderness of the wetlands...
    e.g. There are some areas of wetland which are of ancient origin.

wetland 单语例句

1. We were lucky enough at noon to taste the famous carp, saury and shrimp fished from the wetland lakes and rivers.

2. This year's Duanwu Festival opened on May 28 with a spectacular dragon boat racing cavalcade, as well as international competition racing in the Xixi Wetland Park.

3. The law also requires forestry authorities to keep wetlands from deteriorating by supplying sufficient water, prohibiting herding and closing some of the more fragile wetland areas.

4. Many migrant workers near the wetland come to harvest reeds after the plant begins to turn yellow in November.

5. The scenic area administrator has strictly protected the wetland's ecological environment over the past several years for inhabiting birds.

6. Harrison said the four dams would lose their flood control function, and a middle Yangtze floodplain region and a possible future wetland reserve could be formed.

7. As the number of birds dwelling around the wetland increases, the birds would peck crops when they could not get enough food.

8. The local government banned any cultivation and excavation in 1999, becoming a pioneer in China in curbing the worsening wetland situation.

9. Herdsmen in the Yushu County wetland area found a group of dead wild geese on April 23.

10. However, the wetland reeds have been on the decrease due to serious lack of water.

wetland 英英释义


1. a low area where the land is saturated with water

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