
win是什么意思 win在线翻译 win什么意思 win的意思 win的翻译 win的解释 win的发音 win的同义词 win的反义词 win的例句 win的相关词组

win [wɪn]  [wɪn] 


win 基本解释


及物/不及物动词(在…中)获胜,赢; 战胜(对手)

及物动词(通过努力等)赢得; 说服; 达到(目的、要求等); 获得…

名词(体育比赛中)胜利,赢; [常用复数]赢得物; 收益


win 同义词

win 反义词


win 相关例句


1. Hemingway once won the Nobel Prize for literature.

2. The cute lad did all he could to win the pretty girl's favour.

3. His modesty won him praises.

4. His deeds won our respect.


1. I won purely by chance.

win 情景对话


A:I can’t believe it!


B:What’s wrong? That was a great goal.

A:Yes, but I bet $200 dollars on the Cougars!

B:Looks like you’re going to lose out on this game then.

A:I can’t believe it! I thought the Cougars were going to win for sure.

B:What were the odds?

A:20 to 1, in favour of the Cougars!

B:Too bad.

win 网络解释

1. win

1. win:wireless intelligent network; 无线智能网

2. win:water integrity network; 水资源廉政网络

3. win:warfighter information network; 好战者信息网

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. win:worldwide intelligent network; 全球智能网

win 词典解释

1. 赢;赢得
    If you win something such as a competition, battle, or argument, you defeat those people you are competing or fighting against, or you do better than everyone else involved.


    e.g. He does not have any realistic chance of winning the election...
    e.g. The NCAA basketball championship was won by North Carolina.

2. 使…赢得;使…获得
    If something wins you something such as an election, competition, battle, or argument, it causes you to defeat the people competing with you or fighting you, or to do better than everyone else involved.

    e.g. That sort of gain for Labour is nothing like good enough to win them the general election...
    e.g. Graham is more determined than ever to win the club its third Championship under his command.

3. 赢得,获得(奖项或奖牌)
    If you win something such as a prize or medal, you get it because you have defeated everyone else in something such as an election, competition, battle, or argument, or have done very well in it.


    e.g. The first correct entry wins the prize...
    e.g. She won bronze for Great Britain in the European Championships.

4. 获得,赢得(想要或需要之物)
    If you win something that you want or need, you succeed in getting it.

    e.g. ...moves to win the support of the poor...
    e.g. British Aerospace has won an order worth 340 million dollars.

5. 为…赢得
    If something wins you a prize or wins you something else that you want, it causes you to get it.


    e.g. The feat won them a prize of £85,000...
    e.g. Good weather leading to good grain harvests should win the country relief from food shortages.

6. see also: winning

7. 注定失败;怎么做都不好
    If you say that someone can't win in a particular situation, you mean that they are certain to fail or to suffer whatever they do.

    e.g. If you're too assertive they regard you as an aggressive hysterical woman. I mean, you can't win!

8. (与人稍稍争论后,虽然不情愿,但同意按对方说的做,或接受其建议)听你的,按你说的做
    You say 'you win' when you have been having a slight argument with someone and you are indicating that you agree to do what they want or that you accept their suggestion, even though you do not really want to.

    e.g. 'All right', I said. 'You win'.

9. to lose the battle but win the war -> see battle
    to win the day -> see day
    to win hands down -> see hand

相关词组:win backwin outwin overwin roundwin throughwin through to

win 单语例句


1. It means it is risky business for both and should ensure an attacking game in which two teams come to win.

2. Zhang believes her frankness and business ambition helped her win the manager's favor.

3. LONDON - Arsene Wenger believes the busy Christmas period will play a major part in deciding if Arsenal can win the Premier League.

4. " We were disappointed but we tried to win anyway, " Scola said.

5. Liu seemed not in her best form at the Shanghai worlds, as the butterfly specialist failed to win a medal in the 100m fly on Sunday.

6. Made the finals of the 100m freestyle and 100m butterfly at the 1998 world championships but failed to win a medal in either event.

7. McLaren chief executive Martin Whitmarsh let his guard slip when asked by reporters on Sunday afternoon whether he thought Hamilton could win before Button.

8. Some commentators believed that Charles was seeking to buy time to win over public acceptance of his wife as queen.

9. Many of the buyers identified themselves as early adopters and Apple enthusiasts, making it harder to tell if the iPad will win over mainstream customers.

10. Kyle Lowry tipped in his own miss at the buzzer to give Memphis the win.

win 英英释义



1. a victory (as in a race or other competition)

    e.g. he was happy to get the win

2. something won (especially money)

    Synonym: winningsprofits


1. be the winner in a contest or competition
    be victorious

    e.g. He won the Gold Medal in skating
           Our home team won
           Win the game

2. obtain advantages, such as points, etc.

    e.g. The home team was gaining ground
           After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference

    Synonym: gainadvancepull aheadmake headwayget aheadgain ground

3. win something through one's efforts

    e.g. I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese
           Gain an understanding of international finance

    Synonym: acquiregain

4. attain success or reach a desired goal

    e.g. The enterprise succeeded
           We succeeded in getting tickets to the show
           she struggled to overcome her handicap and won

    Synonym: succeedcome throughbring home the bacondeliver the goods

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