
winning是什么意思 winning在线翻译 winning什么意思 winning的意思 winning的翻译 winning的解释 winning的发音 winning的同义词 winning的反义词

winning [ˈwɪnɪŋ]  [ˈwɪnɪŋ] 


winning 基本解释

形容词获胜的,赢的; 成功的,胜利的; 吸引人的; 迷人的

名词获胜; 赢得物; 备采煤区


winning 相关例句


1. winning的解释

1. Jean was really lucky that she picked a winning number on the first draw.

2. His chief asset is his winning smile.


1. Mark laughed and went to collect his winnings.

winning 情景对话



B:Can you tell me why our bid was not accepted?


A:I think you were a little too high on some of the items .


B:On which ones ?


A:You‘re perfectly welcome to inspect the winning bid .

winning 网络解释

1. 获胜:而他的妻子乔安娜.伍德沃德也凭借此片获得该类别的金球、艾美双料提名除了电影,保罗.纽曼还出了名的喜欢赛车,他第一次对赛车运动产生兴趣,是在拍摄1968年影片<<获胜>>(Winning)的训练场上,后来他和卡尔.汉斯(Carl Haas)一起建立了Newman-Haas车队,

2. 胜:这次闲谈以及杰克的欧洲之行,是因为他的新书<<致胜>>(Winning)的出版. 杰克从通用电气退休后,在全球150多场问答会上碰到最多的问题,他都试图在该书中给出答案. 尽管<<致胜>>中的部分内容,已经包含在他的<<杰克.;

3. 這分鐘享受:> 開始看透富貴只如天際clouding, | > 這分鐘享受winning, | > 下一秒卻只有nothing.

winning 词典解释

1. 获胜的;赢的
    You can use winning to describe a person or thing that wins something such as a competition, game, or election.

    e.g. ...the leader of the winning party...
    e.g. Hill has never been on the winning side...

2. 迷人的;可爱的
    You can use winning to describe actions or qualities that please other people and make them feel friendly towards you.

    e.g. She gave him another of her winning smiles...
    e.g. He had much charm and a winning personality.

Livingstone smiled again, winningly.

3. see also: win

winning 单语例句


1. " We had no business winning that game, " Cavaliers coach Mike Brown told reporters.

2. The day before he had 17 points in the last quarter and sunk the winning shot at the buzzer against the Cleveland Cavaliers.

3. Padgett got the ball after the Knicks swarmed McGrady and just beat the buzzer with his winning shot.

4. Investigations show that there is almost no chance of any gambler winning in online games, which are controlled by gambling firms mostly based abroad.

5. Hu congratulated Chui on his winning of the election and his appointment by the central government.

6. George's in Kent this week by winning the British Open four weeks after claiming the US Open.

7. European cars continue to lead the Chinese auto market by winning the biggest market share and the strongest purchase intention.

8. Newly crowned world No 1 Justine Henin returns to action after winning the tournament in Doha last month.

9. By obeying the laws and training your dog not to be a nuisance, you would be winning friends for both your dog and yourself.

10. Quite a few of the winning wines came from Australia and New Zealand.

winning 英英释义


1. succeeding with great difficulty

    e.g. winning is not everything



1. very attractive
    capturing interest

    e.g. a fetching new hairstyle
           something inexpressibly taking in his manner
           a winning personality

    Synonym: fetchingtaking

2. having won

    e.g. the victorious entry
           the winning team

    Synonym: victorious

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