
wipe是什么意思 wipe在线翻译 wipe什么意思 wipe的意思 wipe的翻译 wipe的解释 wipe的发音 wipe的同义词 wipe的反义词 wipe的例句 wipe的相关词组

wipe [waɪp]  [waɪp] 


wipe 基本解释

及物动词擦,拭; 擦去,消除; 涂上; 刷卡

名词擦,拭; 抹布,毛巾; 用力打

不及物动词擦,抹; 打,揍

wipe 相关词组

1. wipe up : 擦干净, 打垮;

2. wipe out : 消灭;

3. wipe away : 擦去...;

4. wipe off : 擦去, 洗刷(耻辱等);

wipe 相关例句


1. wipe什么意思

1. You'd better wipe the thought from your mind.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Wipe the dust off the table.

3. Please wipe the table with a dry cloth.


1. wipe的翻译

1. The paint won't wipe off easily.


1. Give your nose a wipe.

2. Give the table a good wipe.

wipe 网络解释

1. 划接:黑泽明尽情地用上划接(wipe)、溶镜(dissolve)与多重曝光(multipleexposure)造就叠印(superimposition)的效果,村上的眼睛特写,分别与人来人往的大街小巷、脚步、年轻人的众生相交叠在一起......画面的复叠以外,声音也一样,

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 擦除:可以批量删除. 04 查看本地cod文件依附关系(工作原理调用info命令,遗憾info命令只支持本地文件). 05 查看设备信息. 06 事件日志保存. 07 无线电 [开|关] 控制. 08 时间同步,校正时间. 09 擦除(wipe)机器. 1

3. 拭:'视觉上的擦拭(Wipe)延缓,认为是连贯的动画. 该控件只能播放无声的 AVI 文件. 此外,动画控件只能显示未压缩的或已用行程编码 (RLE) 压缩的 .avi 文件. 如果尝试加载含有声音数据或格式不为控件所支持的 .avi 文件,

4. 擦拭:'视觉上的擦拭(Wipe)延缓,认为是连贯的动画. 该控件只能播放无声的 AVI 文件. 此外,动画控件只能显示未压缩的或已用行程编码 (RLE) 压缩的 .avi 文件. 如果尝试加载含有声音数据或格式不为控件所支持的 .avi 文件,

wipe 词典解释

1. 拭;擦;揩
    If you wipe something, you rub its surface to remove dirt or liquid from it.


    e.g. I'll just wipe the table...
    e.g. When he had finished washing he began to wipe the basin clean...

2. 擦去;擦掉
    If you wipe dirt or liquid from something, you remove it, for example by using a cloth or your hand.

    e.g. Gleb wiped the sweat from his face...
    e.g. He shook his head and wiped his tears with a tissue.

3. (一次性)湿巾
    A wipe is a small moist cloth for cleaning things and is designed to be used only once.

    e.g. ...antiseptic wipes.

4. 让…笑容顿失;使…兴致全无;使…丧失优势
    If you say that something wipes the smile off someone's face, you mean that it suddenly spoils their enjoyment or removes an advantage that they had and that you are pleased about it.

    e.g. Tony Holmes wiped the smile off the faces of his rivals with a solo 30-second win.

5. to wipe the floor with someone -> see floor
    to wipe the slate clean -> see slate

相关词组:wipe awaywipe downwipe offwipe outwipe up

wipe 单语例句

1. The idea of doctors having the power to wipe the memory clean sends shivers down many people's spines.

2. To solve the problem of overlapping and redundant certifications, it will be necessary to wipe the slate clean.

3. Britain's financial watchdog agreed, saying it was time for regulators " to wipe the slate clean ".

4. Similar crackdowns to wipe out violence have been enacted in recent years but hardly a weekend goes by without hooligans taking command of things.

5. Unlike the commutation, a pardon would wipe away Libby's felony conviction.

6. You can peel without soaking as they will absorb the water, or wipe several times with a clean damp cloth.

7. Wipe clean with a damp cloth and slit each pepper open to remove the seeds and membrane.

8. The Indian operation began several days ago, part of an agreement by both countries to wipe out rebels on their soil.

9. An unnamed US official said that Russia had agreed to the deal to wipe out tens of billions of dollars of Iraqi debt.

10. The fundamental solution to inflation is to wipe out structural risks in the financial sector which could devastate the sector.


wipe 英英释义



1. the act of rubbing or wiping

    e.g. he gave the hood a quick rub

    Synonym: rub


1. rub with a circular motion

    e.g. wipe the blackboard
           He passed his hands over the soft cloth

    Synonym: pass over

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