
wireless是什么意思 wireless在线翻译 wireless什么意思 wireless的意思 wireless的翻译 wireless的解释 wireless的发音 wireless的同义词

wireless [ˈwaɪələs]  [ˈwaɪərləs] 


wireless 基本解释


名词无线电,无线电话系统; 无线电接收机或发射机

wireless 网络解释

1. 无线电:无线电(wireless)这个词语相信对大家来说一点也不陌生. 电视、手提电话、蓝牙耳机、上网用的wireless modem等都属於无线电的产品. 无线电的应用,让我们的生活更加精彩和方便.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 无线的:此外,由于设备属于 无线的(wireless) 一类,所以当启动和停止设备时, cardmgr 执行脚本 /etc/wireless/wireless. 这个脚本使用 WLAN 工具和实用程序来配置设备驱动程序参数,例如 WEP 关键字和 SSID. 它还可以启动 WLAN 上的网络协议,

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 无线通信:ZXUPS 电话线路(PSTN)监控管理解决方案;ZXUPS 有线电视网络(CATV)监控管理解决方案;ZXUPS 拨号网络(PPP)监控管理解决方案;ZXUPS 无线通信(Wireless)监控管理解决方案.

wireless 词典解释

1. 无线的;用无线电波传送的
    Wireless technology uses radio waves rather than electricity and therefore does not require any wires.

    e.g. ...the fast-growing wireless communication market.

2. 无线电;无线电收发系统
    Wireless is a system by which messages are sent over a distance by radio signals.

    e.g. ...the development of wireless and radar...
    e.g. They confirmed by wireless that she was picking up survivors.

3. 无线电收音机
    A wireless or wireless set is a radio.

wireless 单语例句


1. Wireless business contributed almost two thirds of Sina's total in the fourth quarter.

2. " Baidu is teaming up with Apple to grab more traffic volume for its wireless business, " Dong said.

3. He spent about 250 yuan buying a wireless router and a network interface card to have wireless access at home.

4. The Wireless Power Consortium finally solved the problem by creating a standard called " Qi ", which was adopted by China on Aug 31.

5. The three companies call on the commission to " issue an exclusion order and cease and desist orders " on the wireless devices in question.

6. Verizon Wireless agreed to resolve a consumer lawsuit over early cancellation fees in mobile phone contracts by paying a $ 21 million settlement.

7. The carrier is the first Chinese telecom operator to offer wireless network traffic products to customers.

8. The album topped the downloads chart of China Mobile Wireless Music, but some music critics say the singer tries too hard to cater to the youth.

9. Witnesses said that after a 40 centimeter fire ball rolled down the tower its lights and wireless signals went out.

10. Defendant Anna Chapman mentioned she had communicated with a Russian official via a wireless signal, sent from her laptop.

wireless 英英释义


1. a communication system based on broadcasting electromagnetic waves

    Synonym: radio

2. an electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals

    Synonym: radio receiverreceiving setradio setradiotuner

3. transmission by radio waves

4. medium for communication

    Synonym: radioradiocommunication


1. having no wires

    e.g. a wireless security system

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