
wither是什么意思 wither在线翻译 wither什么意思 wither的意思 wither的翻译 wither的解释 wither的发音 wither的同义词 wither的反义词 wither的例句

wither [ˈwɪðə(r)]  [ˈwɪðɚ] 


wither 基本解释

及物动词使枯萎; 使畏缩; 使衰弱

不及物动词凋谢; 萎缩; 衰弱

wither 相关例句


1. The flowers withered in the cold.

2. Old age withered her face.

3. The drought withered the leaves.

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4. She withered him with a scornful look.


1. The flowers in the vase withered.

wither 网络解释

1. 凋谢:路边的树,叶子已经凋谢(wither剩下灰色的树干(trunk)与树枝(branch),显得坚实(firm)而苍凉(bleak在这寒冷的冬天(chilly winter竟然还有一片草地(meadow)在顽强地向人们显示(reveal)它的绿;远处(in the distance)一个烟卤在冒着烟(puff),

2. 枯萎:)这个技巧在身中萎靡(Malaise)和枯萎(Wither)这两个降咒的时候也非常好用,因为换到25能量套装的时候你的能量将更快降低到0,这样就能早一点摆脱这两个降咒的效果,否则你会损失更多能量.

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3. 退化;萎缩:vanish 消失 | wither 退化;萎缩 | wreck 摧毁

4. 甲:Whitening:美白毛的工作 | Wither:甲 | Wrapping:包扎毛的工作

wither 词典解释

1. 衰弱;凋敝
    If someone or something withers, they become very weak.

    e.g. When he went into retirement, he visibly withered...
    e.g. Industries unable to modernize have been left to wither.

2. (花朵、植物)枯萎,凋谢
    If a flower or plant withers, it dries up and dies.


    e.g. The flowers in Isabel's room had withered...
    e.g. Farmers in the Midwest have watched their crops wither because of drought conditions.

...a mound of withered leaves...
His fridge was bare apart from three very withered tomatoes.

3. 甲;马肩隆
    The highest part of a horse's back, behind its neck, is referred to as its withers .

相关词组:wither away

wither 单语例句

1. We have no excuse to take a rest, or call it a day and let it wither.

2. For some Chinese trade companies reeling as their export markets wither in the financial crisis, the Seventh Cavalry has arrived in the shape of the home market.

3. The black insect is less than 1 centimetre long, and can cause coconut trees to wither and die.

4. This winter's chill has delayed Spring time blossoms or caused some plants to wither altogether, reports the Jiefang Daily.

5. Qiao said reaping desert willow does not damage the desert greening work, since the desert plant's old branches wither every three to five years.

6. His early lead in the election was expected to wither away after his " fresh new appeal " wore off.

7. A bolt of lightning will light up the sky and all the creatures in the world will wither following its disappearance.

8. The open question is whether enthusiasm will wither if Poland and Ukraine fare badly on the pitch.

9. Our attack surfaces will expand and any remaining semblance of a perimeter will continue to wither.

10. When ground plants wither, rain and snow runoff causing topsoil to flow from the barren hills.

wither 英英释义


1. wither, as with a loss of moisture

    e.g. The fruit dried and shriveled

    Synonym: shrivelshrivel upshrink

2. lose freshness, vigor, or vitality

    e.g. Her bloom was fading

    Synonym: fade

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