
woo是什么意思 woo在线翻译 woo什么意思 woo的意思 woo的翻译 woo的解释 woo的发音 woo的同义词 woo的反义词 woo的例句 woo的相关词组

woo [wu:]  [wu] 


woo 基本解释

及物动词求爱,求婚; 争取…的支持

不及物动词求爱; 恳求

woo 相关例句


1. He is trying to woo my sister.

2. woo

2. You are wooing trouble if you associate with him.

3. woo是什么意思

3. Eventually he wearied of wooing fame and fortune.

4. His efforts to woo her to his side proved fruitless.


1. The young man came to woo.

woo 网络解释

1. 吴:库珀(Cooper)、威拉德(Willard)和吴(Woo)在1986年的早期研究对这种常规观点提出了挑战,并提出了支持的观点,即大企业面临着一些障碍,使得他们不能对中小企业进入市场的行为做出积极反应.

2. woo:world oceanic organization; 世界海洋组织

3. woo:wait on order; 下钻

woo 词典解释

1. 寻求,争取(支持、选票等)
    If you woo people, you try to encourage them to help you, support you, or vote for you, for example by promising them things which they would like.

    e.g. They wooed customers by offering low interest rates...
    e.g. They are trying to woo back electoral support.

This election has been marked so far by the candidates' wooing of each other's traditional political bases.

2. 追求(女人);向(女人)求爱(或求婚)
    If a man woos a woman, he spends time with her and tries to persuade her to marry him.

    e.g. The penniless author successfully wooed and married Fanny.

...the hero's wooing of his beautiful cousin Roxanne.

woo 单语例句

1. " The global competition nowadays is fundamentally a competition of talents, " Woo said at the opening of the LG Business School.

2. Wu's opinion was then contributed to and published in the Wall Street Journal in October under the byline of " Dee Woo ".

3. Suyuan Woo creates the club to cheer up her friends during wartime in China.

4. As keepers tried to woo Judy back into her cage, she rummaged through a refrigerator where chimp snacks are stored.

5. Shahu Hotel is not the only employer trying to woo employees with higher wages and better compensation packages.

6. But the JSP could still woo voters by demanding fairer distribution of wealth and grab a considerable number of seats in the Diet.

7. As property developers intensify their ads to woo consumers, no one should expect potential homebuyers to hesitate from buying for a long time.

8. The lengthy film also left some fans feeling exhausted, yet John Woo has done his best to cut it short.

9. " Chinese chipmakers should upgrade their design technology to woo a bigger profit margin, " he said.

10. The party had attempted to woo former BBC Director General Greg Dyke and former Conservative prime minister John Major but both declined to stand.

woo 英英释义


1. make amorous advances towards

    e.g. John is courting Mary

    Synonym: courtromancesolicit

2. seek someone's favor

    e.g. China is wooing Russia

    Synonym: court

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