
wool是什么意思 wool在线翻译 wool什么意思 wool的意思 wool的翻译 wool的解释 wool的发音 wool的同义词 wool的反义词 wool的例句 wool的相关词组

wool [wʊl]  [wʊl] 


wool 基本解释

名词羊毛; 羊毛制品; (幼虫的)毛; 羊毛覆盖物


wool 相关词组

1. lose one's wool : 发怒;

wool 相关例句


1. The dress was made of wool.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. Many people wear wool in winter.

wool 网络解释

1. wool的解释

1. 毛料:毛料(Wool) --很棒的天然保暖物,毛料对于普通或偏冷的天气都是适用的. 毛料在潮湿的情况下保暖性依然很好,只是穿着有些扎的慌而且在背包里比较占地方. 保温层 毛制品(Wool) --很棒的天然保暖物. 毛料在潮湿的情况下保暖性依然很好,

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 毛:你好如果你是在卖衣服的一般不外乎是棉(cotton)天然纤维,短纤,吸汗舒服,分20支,32支(指纱线的粗细,数字越大布料比较细致.) 毛(wool)天然纤维,毛料冬天最多.现在还有夏季的凉爽羊毛.以前洗后会缩,现在经过处理后,可以改善此现象,

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 毛线:检视女巫地上的毛线(Wool),顺着毛线在屋后头发现一只绵羊(Sheep),将蓝色菊花放在绵羊身上,用照相机拍张相片. 离开前,拿起地上的木槌(Mallet). 从小洞(Hatch)爬出去,离开黑森林. 回到安卡摩波克镇的酒店. 酒店里有根木梁(Beam),

wool 词典解释

1. (羊等的)毛
    Wool is the hair that grows on sheep and on some other animals.


2. 羊毛织物;毛料
    Wool is a material made from animal's wool that is used to make things such as clothes, blankets, and carpets.

    e.g. ...a wool overcoat...
    e.g. The carpets are made in wool and nylon.

3. see also: cotton wool;steel wool;wire wool

4. 蒙骗;欺骗
    If you say that someone is pulling the wool over your eyes, you mean that they are trying to deceive you, in order to have an advantage over you.

    e.g. Stop trying to pull the wool over my eyes! What were you two fighting about just now?

wool 单语例句

1. He also tells China Business Weekly that Reda is the only wool fabric maker in the world that has its own ranches to breed sheep.

2. He dropped from pole position to fifth on Lap 1 but stayed calm, wrapped his car in cotton wool and came home second.

3. The cardigan in fine gauge wool also has some cashmere, making for a unique combination.

4. Other products include wool and cashmere, traditional Islamic clothing and accessories.

5. Different from sister products for other seasons, winter scarves are generally much thicker and often made from wool or cashmere.

6. Price hikes of international crude oil and wool also put chemical fiber enterprises and the wool industry under huge pressure.

7. A photo of a yak with tassels on its head led to a wool seersucker tunic with a colorful circular print.

8. Nestling under blue skies dotted with cotton wool clouds, Zhangjiajie's unique mountainous countryside is covered by forests.

9. The tariff quota method is applied to cotton, wool and wool yarn imports.

10. More than 70 tents made of cotton and yak wool were scattered at the festival site.

wool 英英释义


1. outer coat of especially sheep and yaks

    Synonym: fleece

2. a fabric made from the hair of sheep

    Synonym: woolenwoollen

3. fiber sheared from animals (such as sheep) and twisted into yarn for weaving

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