
woolly是什么意思 woolly在线翻译 woolly什么意思 woolly的意思 woolly的翻译 woolly的解释 woolly的发音 woolly的同义词 woolly的反义词 woolly的例句

woolly [ˈwʊli]  [ˈwʊli] 


woolly 基本解释


形容词羊毛的; 像羊毛的; 朦胧的

名词羊毛制品; 羊

woolly 相关例句


1. She is wearing a woolly coat.

2. His ideas are a bit woolly.


1. woolly是什么意思

1. Put an extra woolly on when you go out.

woolly 网络解释

1. 羊毛制的:woolly bear 灯蛾毛虫 | woolly 羊毛制的 | woolly-headed 头脑不清的

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2. 多羊毛的:wordy 多言的 | woolly 多羊毛的 | cloudy 多云的

3. 羊毛制的, 似羊毛的, 模糊的 (形):woolliness 羊毛制品 (名) | woolly 羊毛制的, 似羊毛的, 模糊的 (形) | woolman 羊毛商 (名)

4. 被绵毛的:羊毛脂 wool fat | 被绵毛的 woolly | 毛熊 woolly bear

woolly 词典解释

in AM, also use 美国英语亦用 wooly

1. 毛料的;羊毛制的;像羊毛的
    Something that is woolly is made of wool or looks like wool.

    e.g. She wore this woolly hat with pompoms.

2. 毛料衣服;(尤指)毛衣,羊毛衫
    A woolly is a woollen piece of clothing, especially a sweater.

3. 内衣;(尤指)长袖毛线衣裤
    You can refer to underwear as woollies, especially when it is knitted from wool, and has long legs or long sleeves.

4. (人或观点)混乱的,糊涂的,不明确的
    If you describe a person or their ideas as woolly, you are criticizing them for being confused or vague.

    e.g. ...a weak and woolly Government...
    e.g. It is no good setting vague and woolly goals — you will not know whether or not you have really achieved them.

woolly 单语例句

1. That's probably a woolly notion because many women get into a wide range of activities online.

2. He then gave him his woolly hat in gratitude amid cheers from a few spectators in the stands.

3. Mr Cameron himself admits that it is easy to brand his scheme " woolly " and " impractical ", but it is not without precedent.

4. The Tibetan macaque is a species of woolly monkey that can stand frost.

5. The creature's physical appearance is known from ice age caves drawings discovered in France and mummified woolly rhinos found in Siberia.

6. The findings seem to undermine the theory that the woolly rhinoceros originated in the Arctic Circle.

7. The woolly monkey was up to his armpit in my bag, rooting through clumps of socks and sweaters to pilfer the peanuts stashed inside.

8. It remains unknown why the woolly rhinoceros seems to have not made it to North America.

9. At the TEDA International Cardiovascular Hospital in Tianjin, there is a very famous animal of the woolly persuasion.

10. That proves that the Clovis people ate more than just woolly mammoth meat for dinner, something scientists were unable to confirm before.

woolly 英英释义



1. covered with dense cottony hairs or hairlike filaments

    e.g. the woolly aphid has a lanate coat resembling cotton

    Synonym: lanate

2. covered with dense often matted or curly hairs

    e.g. woolly lambs

    Synonym: woolywooly-hairedwoolly-haired

3. confused and vague
    used especially of thinking

    e.g. muddleheaded ideas
           your addled little brain
           woolly thinking
           woolly-headed ideas

    Synonym: addledbefuddledmuddledmuzzywoolywoolly-headedwooly-minded

4. having a fluffy character or appearance

    Synonym: flocculentwooly

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