
work at是什么意思 work at在线翻译 work at什么意思 work at的意思 work at的翻译 work at的解释 work at的发音 work at的同义词 work at的反义词

work at [wə:k æt]  [wɚk æt] 

work at 基本解释

在…工作; 从事于…,致力于…

work at 情景对话


B:What do you do?

A:I work full-time at the (hospital/ library/ supemp3arket).



A:Have you made a decision about your job yet?


B:Not yet. I’m still considering my options.

work at在线翻译

A:What are they?


B:I can stay at my current job and hope that they give me a promotion soon.


B:Or I can take the new job for less money and more responsibilities and hope that they give me a raise soon.

A:So what is more important to you, money or a challenge?

B:I’d rather find my work challenging than make a lot of money. But there is the possibility that I could be challenged at work and make more money.


A:I think I know what you’re going to decide.


A:Well, I don’t think you’re a risk-taker. That’s all I’m going to say.

B:Do you think I should be?

A:I’m not going to tell you what to decide. You have to make the decision for yourself.

B:Do you think I should take more risks?

work at

A:I’m not saying anything else. If give you advice and it doesn’t turn out well, then you’ll blame it all on me!
      我不会说其他的了。如果我给了你建议,但如果并不好, 你会全怪我的!

B:No, I won’t.

A:Yes, you will.

B:No, I promise that I won’t blame you.

A:I’d like to see that in writing!

work at 网络解释

1. 从事于,致力于:word for word 逐字地;一字不变地 | work at 从事于,致力于 | work off 排除;清理;卖掉

2. 钻研;从事于,致力于:wear out用破;磨损;使筋疲力尽 | work at钻研;从事于,致力于 | work out解决;想出,制定出

3. 从事,致力于:19.word for word 逐字地 | 20.work at 从事,致力于 | 21.work on 从事;对...有影响

4. 从事,用功:65.work on继续工作,努力做; | 66.work at从事,用功; | 67.devote one's life to把生命贡献给----;

work at 单语例句

1. The seemingly ordinary graduate began work at an investment firm as a manager after taking a degree in international business and trade.

2. They do most of the work by hand, often at home or in small village workshops.

3. CAD work is incorporated into plans for economic and social development by the people's governments at and above the county level.

4. Yvette Cade was set on fire by her estranged husband at her place of work.

5. The latest call comes from Premier Wen Jiabao's government work report at the annual session of the National People's Congress.

6. A traditional art and important vehicle of communication, calligraphy was once extensively required and exceptionally prized at work.

7. CNN's Anderson Cooper was back at work Wednesday after minor surgery two days earlier to remove a cancerous mole from underneath his left eye.

8. Cheryl also revealed when she wants to relax and forget about work she will spend a night at home watching TV with her canine friends.

9. But the work was typical of Van Gogh's at that time in other ways, with its bright colors lathered roughly on the canvas.

10. A few managers left the A share market to work for overseas capital markets including at H share funds.

work at 英英释义


1. to exert effort in order to do, make, or perform something

    e.g. the child worked at the multiplication table until she had it down cold

    Synonym: work on

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