
wrapper是什么意思 wrapper在线翻译 wrapper什么意思 wrapper的意思 wrapper的翻译 wrapper的解释 wrapper的发音 wrapper的同义词 wrapper的反义词

wrapper [ˈræpə(r)]  [ˈræpɚ] 


wrapper 基本解释

名词包装纸; 封套; 封皮; (食品等的)包装材料

wrapper 网络解释

1. wrapper

1. 包裹器:该公司的客户端有一个包裹器(wrapper),用于提供加密和防火墙功能. 这个包裹器是由一个中央软件机制控制,该机制同时也起到了虚拟桌面管理中心的作用. Stoneware公司的安全产品严格基于软件,并包括SSL、双因素认证(two-factor authentication)和目录整合.

2. wrapper的解释

2. 包装纸:城中 从海马喷泉处向右来到街道,捡起地上的烧瓶、桔子皮和包装纸(Wrapper),将魔法书页装到魔法书的后面,然后向右上来到夹道. 路边有只石兔,用软糖印取石兔的脚印,再向右来到断崖. 这里有棵大树,用木棒将树上的绳索挑回来,

3. 包装函式:此范例包含称为 FolderBrowser 的自订物件,可以包装 (Wrap) Shell 资料夹浏览器的功能. 这是在一些 API 功能周围建立 .Net 包装函式 (Wrapper) 的范例. 请注意,Visual Basic .NET 2003 (透过 .NET Framework 1.1 版) 已经提供此功能.

wrapper 词典解释

1. (尤指用于食品的)包装纸,包装塑料,包装用金属薄纸
    A wrapper is a piece of paper, plastic, or thin metal which covers and protects something that you buy, especially food.


    e.g. I emptied the sweet wrappers from the ashtray.
    e.g. ...an unsmoked cigar in its cellophane wrapper.

wrapper 单语例句

1. A perhaps more controversial aspect of " Chocolate Therapy " also holds that the way a chocolate's wrapper is disposed of brings out people's attitudes about sex.

2. I drop the filling into the wrapper and start to try and fold it.

3. Assemble the spring rolls by placing a wrapper on a flat board or plate.

4. Flatten with a rolling pin, keeping the center of the wrapper slightly thicker than the edges.

5. I put some filling on the wrapper, and he tried to fold it without squeezing out too much filling.

6. Tanks haven't materialized when a wrapper doesn't make it into the garbage can.

7. A label on the wrapper claimed that the dishes had been cleaned and disinfected according to standards set by the municipal health bureau.

8. It was served in a lettuce leaf and the refreshing and juicy wrapper helped to balance the spiciness of the dish.

9. Place wrapper on a damp towel and place a spoonful of mince along one edge.

10. Unlike the traditional Chinese spring rolls which are usually fired in oil, these steamed ones were more natural and the rice wrapper was really thin and nice.

wrapper 英英释义



1. a loose dressing gown for women

    Synonym: negligeenegligepeignoirhousecoat

2. cloak that is folded or wrapped around a person

    Synonym: wrap

3. the covering (usually paper or cellophane) in which something is wrapped

    Synonym: wrappingwrap

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