
wrapping是什么意思 wrapping在线翻译 wrapping什么意思 wrapping的意思 wrapping的翻译 wrapping的解释 wrapping的发音 wrapping的同义词

wrapping [ˈræpɪŋ]  [ˈræpɪŋ] 


wrapping 基本解释

名词包装纸; 包装材料




wrapping 网络解释

1. wrapping的意思

1. 包装:占用空间的增加还意味着Oracle 可能需要三倍的时间来装载它. 即使是最好的情况下,包装(wrapping)也只能应用到包体. 包规范(package specification)、过程、函数、触发器或者对象的源代码不能被包装.

2. wrapping在线翻译

2. 绕:华为RPR支持两种不同的倒换方式,源路由(Steering)和回绕(Wrapping)方式并综合了二者的优点,倒换时先使用回绕的方式,尽量保证数据不丢失,同时进行拓扑信息的传递和更新,计算出新的路由,并切换到源路由的方式,以充分利用带宽,

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 攀鞋:working pattern生產紙樣 | wrapping攀鞋 | wrestling shoe摔角鞋

wrapping 词典解释

1. 包装纸;包装塑料;包装材料
    Wrapping is something such as paper or plastic which is used to cover and protect something.

    e.g. ...food wrapping...
    e.g. He raced into the living room with his package, excitedly pulling at the wrappings.

wrapping 单语例句

1. Zhu reversed this tradition by wrapping her haws in modern packaging, making them more sanitary.

2. You can also find our city website on the candy wrapping paper.

3. But I broke the wrapping carelessly and the two different kinds of soup mixed together making the flavour somewhat disappointing and also too oily.

4. Because of the layout of Beijing with concentric ring roads wrapping around its downtown core, smart traffic planning is a must in the central part of the city.

5. Many passengers climbed out of the wrecked train cars shortly after the accident, some wrapping themselves in bedsheets from the sleeper cars in the early morning chill.

6. The people here simply do not discard wrapping paper, bags or cigarette butts with the gay abandon seen elsewhere.

7. Lawyers say they think prosecutors are probably close to wrapping up the investigation because they have interviewed news reporters.

8. Bracelets usually come in strands, wrapping around the wrist like a cuff.

9. The Asian Games silver medallist had a tough first set before quickly wrapping up the second to join compatriot Wang Chen in the next round.

10. Those who crinkle the wrapping before throwing it away tend to have too many thoughts on their mind and are unable to concentrate in bed.

wrapping 英英释义


1. an enveloping bandage

    Synonym: swathe

2. the covering (usually paper or cellophane) in which something is wrapped

    Synonym: wrapwrapper

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