
wreaths是什么意思 wreaths在线翻译 wreaths什么意思 wreaths的意思 wreaths的翻译 wreaths的解释 wreaths的发音 wreaths的同义词 wreaths的反义词

wreaths [ri:ðz] [ri:θs] 


wreaths 基本解释

花圈;花环( wreath的名词复数 );圈状物;环状物;


wreaths 网络解释

1. 柳编:Woodenware 木器 | Wreaths 柳编 | Iron 熟铁

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 圈:1.tsunami 海啸 | wreaths 圈 | Indonesia 印尼(东南亚国)

wreaths 双语例句

1. And on the surfaces of the stays and on its panels he engraved cherubim, lions, and palm trees, as there was space on each, with wreaths all around.
    7:36 在撑子表面和镶板上,各按空处刻着基路伯、狮子和棕树,周围有环饰。

2. In this highly ornamental ware the flaws of the material don`t show, and you can cover up a blow-hole or the like by wreaths and beadings.

3. wreaths的反义词

3. Wealth and gold set, two arms midlands color, head wear five buddhas, treasure in the midlands gold armour, a treasure house, the treasure wreaths on each side, right hand holding the treasures of vomit a rat to bodhisattva, sit to sit with him on white lion voldemort, such as the sun radiation, 100, 000 treasures of the library for the endless all day.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. The moon was nearly hidden now by the wreaths of the rushing storm, but a little light still caught the crest of the devouring breaker.

5. Thousands of people are expected to converge on the motel site to lay wreaths and pay their respects.

6. A rose to the living is more than sumptuous wreaths to the dead.

7. Xu Mizuo around the upper engraved with the Chinese people love the chrysanthemum, lily and lotus, peony, and other components of the eight wreaths.

8. wreaths

8. The Bushes set floral wreaths adrift in reflecting pools that mark the former locations of the north and south towers at the beginning of a two-day fifth-anniversary tour that will take them to all three sites of devastation.

9. And four hundred pomegranates on the two wreaths; two rows of pomegranates on each wreath, to cover the two pommels of the chapiters which were upon the pillars.

10. wreaths

10. And four hundred pomegranates on the two wreaths; two rows of pomegranates on each wreath

11. On the frames above and below the lions and oxen were wreaths in relief.

12. Last year's summer Olympics were held in Greece, the games'birthplace. As a celebration of that history, Olympians received not only medals around their necks but also olive wreaths to crown their heads.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. Golden wreaths are extremely rare and they are usually found in ancient gravesites for nobles.

14. wreaths

14. The wind and the storm wreaths and the sheets of stinging spray blinded and bewildered us.

15. wreaths是什么意思

15. The thunder sounded far to the east, moving from them in its red wreaths of light.

16. Thethunder sounded far to the east, moving from them in its red wreaths oflight.

17. Hospitals over the shroud shop doors open, colorful wreaths gorgeously dressed, but the lead did not come to the attention of pedestrians.

18. danci.911chaxun.com

18. And just as I predicted, they gave him a fine funeral, with solemn mass, huge wreaths, and everything.

19. Near the end of May, the sand cherry adorned the sides of the path with its delicate flowers arranged in umbels cylindrically about its short stems, which last, in the fall, weighed down with goodsized and handsome cherries, fell over in wreaths like rays on every side.
      五月尾,野樱桃(学名Cerasus pumila)在小路两侧装点了精细的花朵,短短的花梗周围是形成伞状的花丛,到秋天里就挂起了大大的漂亮的野樱桃,一球球地垂下,像朝四面射去的光芒。

20. wreaths的翻译

20. Have bid farewell to the Office of wreaths, flowers, attendance books, black white funeral supplies, such as an option for the funeral, family members and contractors to write business elegiac couplet.

wreaths 单语例句

1. They also gave away free gifts to visitors including special wreaths made of plants, and eggs wrapped in colorful thread to dispel illness and evil.

2. Others laid wreaths beside huge pictures of the royal couple that had been put up at crossroads.

3. The two young men crowned their father with their victory wreaths, held him on their shoulders and walked the victory lap.

4. An employee of the funeral organizers said more than 170 mourning wreaths had also been sent in the name of relatives and friends.

5. The three frail men in wheelchairs laid wreaths of red poppies at the base of the stone memorial.

6. What she hates most are the two funerary stores selling clothing, goods and wreaths for those who have passed away.

7. Here there seemed to be dozens of parlors and a series of processions of people carrying gigantic wreaths of flowers.

8. In the days that followed, wreaths began to litter the site.

9. Kristof selectively finds an outpouring of support for Google because of the wreaths of flowers left at the company's headquarters.

10. The parade ended in the Holy Trinity Church, where visitors placed bouquets and wreaths on his tomb.

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