
write down是什么意思 write down在线翻译 write down什么意思 write down的意思 write down的翻译 write down的解释 write down的发音 write down的同义词

write down [rait daun]  [raɪt daʊn] 

write down 基本解释

写下; 记下; 视为; 贬低(地位、重要性等)

write down 情景对话


A:Good morning, sir. I just came to China and I can't read Chinese. Could you please help me?


B:My pleasure. What can I do for you?

A:Oh, I want to change some money, but I do not know how to fill out the exchange form.


B:Would you mind showing me your passport? Also, please write down your name on the paper.

A:Here you are. My name is Jones.

B:Alright. I will fill out the exchange form for you now. You can take a seat over there for a moment.

A:Sure. Thanks.

B:Hello, Ms. Jones. Are you planning to reconvert your unused Chinese money back into American dollars?

A:Yes, if I have some left.

B:If I may offer a suggestion, please keep your exchange form.

write down

A:OK, I will. Thank you.

B:You are welcome.


A:Oh, I’m starving. I’d like to try some real Chinese cuisine. What would you recommend, waiter?


B:Well, it depends. You see, there are eight famous Chinese cuisines:for instance, the Sichuan cuisine, and the Hunan cuisine.

A:They are both spicy hot, I’ve heard.

B:That’s right. If you like hot dishes, you can try some.

A:They might be too hot for me.

B:Then there’s the Cantonese cuisine and the Jiangsu cuisine. Most southerners like them.

A:What about any special Beijing dishes?

B:There’s the Beijing roast duck.

A:Oh, yes. I’ve heard a lot about it. I’d like very much to try it. Where can I find it?

B:You can find it in most restaurants, but the best place is certainly Quanjude Restaurant.


A:Is it near here?


B:Not too near but not too far either. A taxi will take you there in 15 minutes, if the traffic is not too bad, I mean.
      不太近也不算远。乘出租车15 分钟能到。我是说,要是堵车不厉害的话。

write down的意思

A:Well, thank you for your information. But what is the name of that restaurant again?

B:Let me write it down on this slip of paper for you. You can show it to the taxi-driver.

A:That’s very kind of you. Thanks a lot.

B:You’re welcome.

write down 网络解释

1. 减记:尽管大型金融机构试图提供更多资讯,让市场更了解资产减记(write down)的原因,但相关证券的复杂性以及评估价值时的主观判断,让投资人很难掌握金融机构所面临的风险,对於其未来获利能力的疑虑仍难以消弭.

2. 记下:是问谁留下,交代(leave)这个留言的,不是问谁帮助记下(write down)这个信息的. 所以当然是a了,

3. 记:退一步讲,即使Underlying基本面没有变化,但是当保证人比如也难逃破产之际,核数师要求你减记(Write Down)拨备(Boost Reserves),评级师也重新审视评级,流动性问题随之而来.

write down 词典解释

1. 写下;记下
    When you write something down, you record it on a piece of paper using a pen or pencil.

    e.g. On the morning before starting the fast, write down your starting weight...
    e.g. Only by writing things down could I bring some sort of order to the confusion.

write down 单语例句

1. The company also said that it will assess whether it needs to write down the value of its business overall for the quarter.

2. The company will write down unsold inventory and expects lower sales of Californian wine as it starts a review of its global winemaking operations.

3. Fired executives had planned to write down the goodwill over years to cancel out the hidden losses.

4. Guests may write down their wishes and pin it to a Christmas tree.

5. The first snow in Beijing this year is fluttering down and coating the evergreen firs lining our driveway even as I write.

6. COPENHAGEN - Denmark's Max Bank came under state control after admitting it could not meet solvency and write down requirements Saturday.

7. But Yang admitted he did not write down he had diabetes on his university application to avoid being treated differently and looked down by others.

8. He asked me to write down in a diary a list of all the major activities that I did in a day for a week.

9. They can write down a list of tasks and split up big tasks into small pieces to ensure they finish each task on time.

10. But China's tight foreign exchange policy prevented the banks from using the money directly to write down bad loans.

write down 英英释义

write down什么意思


1. reduce the estimated value of something

    e.g. For tax purposes you can write off the laser printer

    Synonym: expensewrite off

2. put down in writing
    of texts, musical compositions, etc.

    Synonym: set downget downput down

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