
written是什么意思 written在线翻译 written什么意思 written的意思 written的翻译 written的解释 written的发音 written的同义词 written的反义词

written [ˈrɪtn]  [ˈrɪtn] 


written 基本解释

形容词书面的; 写成文字的; 明显受到…影响; (感情)全挂在脸上

动词写( write的过去分词); 写信

written 同义词

written 反义词

written 相关例句


1. Have you seen the written document?

written 情景对话


A:Thank you for bringing me. This is great!

B:Rose, do you see? Herb and Don are over there.


A:Uh huh. I can't believe it! You're trying to set up Herb and me.


B:Let's sit with them.

A:Ms. Matchmaker, Herb and I just aren't written in the stars.


B:Who knows? Come on!

written 网络解释

1. 书写:当这个语言从原先的口述(Oral)发展到书写(Written),成为了一种有固定体系的语言后,这个语言的本身可以说经历了一种语言上的进展和进步. 这种进展意味著: 1) 这个语言有了它相对完善的体系,因此很多之前要依靠语言的沟通和表达来完成的事,

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 书面的:令人感到有点奇怪的是,这个书面的(written)联邦律师工作成果规则仅仅涉及文书及有形物体,而不包括律师收集的以书面形式反映出来的信息. 在Hickman案中,最高法院评论道:要求律师就他关于某案的内心感想或者想法以及意见作证,这的确是一

3. 笔试:缴了钱之后就要后面的柜台考试, 这时候要注意~要把申请的表格放在他们的篮子里面,有分笔试(written)跟路试(road)的两个篮子~一定要放进去, 他们才会知道你要考试喔.

written 词典解释


2. (测验、作业等)书面的,笔头的
    A written test or piece of work is one which involves writing rather than doing something practical or giving spoken answers.


    e.g. Learners may have to take a written exam before they pass their driving test...
    e.g. Amy discovered that the theoretical and written work came easily to her.

3. (协议、规定、法律等)成文的,书面的
    A written agreement, rule, or law has been officially written down.


    e.g. The newspaper broke a written agreement not to sell certain photographs...
    e.g. We're waiting for written confirmation from the Americans.

4. to be written all over someone's face -> see face

written 单语例句


1. A Guangzhou man surnamed Tang wanted to take his shoe repairing business to a new level so he's written a book.

2. But the problem is that people are so busy throughout the year that reports are neither written seriously nor read carefully.

3. The script was written by Ed Decter and John Strauss, whose credits include Disney's last two " Santa Clause " movies.

4. Written by local patients, the letter praised Taoist temples on Mount Heming for giving them treatment.

5. Children will also perform topical operas written by themselves, like Little Torchbearer and Celebrate the Olympics.

6. While she didn't mention Nowitzki by name, she clearly referred to him in her written pleas to the judge.

7. RDR Books publisher Roger Rapoport has said the lexicon is a " critical reference work " and would not compete with any official encyclopedia written by Rowling.

8. Giving speeches by reciting scripts written beforehand is also a typical symbol of bureaucracy.

9. Roche's office in Shanghai refused to comment by telephone and did not immediately respond to a written inquiry on Monday.

10. Scientists have said that tiny nerves crisscrossing the spine can bypass crippling injuries recently written off as irreversible.

written 英英释义


1. written as for a film or play or broadcast

    Synonym: scripted

2. set down in writing in any of various ways

    e.g. written evidence

3. systematically collected and written down

    e.g. written laws

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