
yips是什么意思 yips在线翻译 yips什么意思 yips的意思 yips的翻译 yips的解释 yips的发音 yips的同义词 yips的反义词 yips的例句 yips的相关词组



yips 基本解释

犬吠,叫喊声( yip的名词复数 );犬吠,叫喊( yip的第三人称单数 );

yips 网络解释

1. 易普:Yardage 码距 | Yard 码 | Yips 易普

2. 推桿失誤:Yardage book 擊球指南手冊 | Yardage chart 球洞分析圖 | Yips 推桿失誤

yips 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. He wore, when he walked out, a purple silk hat and carried a gold-headed cane. Over his eyes he wore great spectacles with gold rims, not because his eyes were bad but because the spectacles made him look wise, and so distinguished and gorgeous was his appearance that all the Yips were very proud of him.

2. yips的意思

2. In football we call it a lack of confidence. But it is really the yips.

3. yips的意思

3. Whether you are the most useless amateur or a top professional, the yips can get you.

4. To avoid the yips he changed his style of putting.

5. yips的反义词

5. Barney:Wait, wait, wait, you don't think I have the yips do you?

6. The thought is enough to give Chelsea's title rivals the yips.

7. yips的解释

7. But minutes later, as your pet dog wags his tail and yips his welcome, your symptoms of depression lift.

8. yips

8. Yet for me, footballers are as vulnerable to the yips as anyone — particularly strikers.

9. yips的解释

9. They had never seen a frog before and the frog had never seen a Yip before, but as there were plenty of Yips and only one frog, the frog became the most important.

10. And the slosh not only made the frog very big, so that when he stood on his hind legs he was tall as any Yip in the country, but it made him unusually intelligent, so that he soon knew more than the Yips did and was able to reason and to argue very well indeed.

11. The frigid Alaskan backcountry will echo with the yips and yowls of sled dogs for two weeks as 82 mushers race their teams across 1, 800km of desolate tundra, jagged mountains and wind-swept sea ice.

12. The one who took the dishpan, of course, " replied the Frogman, and hearing this all the Yips nodded their heads gravely and said to one another ".

13. Even in her childhood, she was a very clever girl, for while she was learning to speak, she was taught PoChüyips poem, The PpiPpa Player, and could at once repeat it.
      西方读者如果见到The PpiPpa Player ,很可能不了解它为何物,译者在前面加上Po Chüyipspoem ,既填补了缺省的内容,方便了读者理解,又介绍了中国的文化。

14. Generally speaking, in william Yips poetry, tradition and modernity are melted in one furnace and magnificence and gracefulness are shining on each other.

15. danci.911chaxun.com

15. In the " Zheng Concerto " the players are not only playing their own instruments, but also contributing stomps, yips, yells sighs and hand-slaps, sometimes in imitation of Eastern instruments.

16. yips的翻译

16. The one who took the dishpan, of course," replied the Frogman, and hearing this all the Yips nodded their heads gravely and said to one another ".

17. In the " Zheng Concerto " the players are not only playing their own instruments, but also contributing stomps, yips, yells sighs and hand-slaps, sometimes in imitation of Eastern instruments.

18. His high, pure tenor was shot through with the little yips and sighs he had learnt from Diana Ross.

yips 英英释义



1. nervous tension that causes an athlete to fail (especially causes golfers to miss short putts)

    e.g. to avoid the yips he changed his style of putting

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