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asparagus [əˈspærəgəs]  [əˈspærəɡəs] 

asparagus 基本解释

名词天冬; 芦笋,芦笋的茎

asparagus 网络解释

1. 芦笋:可是,我看到的一切,很难描写出来;这里有大规模的果园,满是各种各样英格兰的果树和蔬菜,其中很多是属于比较温暖的地区的,例如:石刁柏(芦笋,(Asparagus)、菜豆(kidney bean)、黄瓜、大黄(rhubarb)、苹果、无花果、桃、杏、葡萄、齐墩果(olive)、醋栗(刺李,

2. 石刁柏:大多数都很快地沉下去了,但是有些在新鲜时只能漂浮一个短时间,干燥后却能漂浮很长的时间;例如,成熟的榛子即刻便会沉下,但干燥后却能漂浮90日,而且这些种籽以后还能发芽;带有成熟浆果的石刁柏(asparagus)能漂浮23日,干燥后却能漂浮85日,

3. asparagus

3. 文竹:接触性刺激(CONTACT ITTITANTS)文竹(Asparagus) 盐肤木(Poison sumac) 荨麻(Nettles) 凌霄花(trumpet-creeper) 咬人猫、咬人狗等 这些植物会因为接触造成刺激,而有皮肤炎、口舌炎的现象.

asparagus 词典解释

1. 芦笋;龙须菜
    Asparagus is a vegetable that is long and green and has small shoots at one end. It is cooked and served whole.


asparagus 单语例句

1. The Sofitel Shanghai Hyland believes there is no substitute for the earthy and naturally sweet taste of asparagus.

2. Asparagus tea is said to have high nutritional value and is being bought as a gift for Spring Festival.

3. He will make a trilogy of lobster, white asparagus and heirloom tomato.

4. Braised prawns are shaped like fire on a torch, while abalone and asparagus are made to look like dragon boats.

5. Aria at China World Hotel Beijing cooks crisp white asparagus from France for a succulent start to summer.

6. And IF you eat enough asparagus, will it make your pee smell weird?

7. There's also a romantic mixture of quail's egg, asparagus and mushrooms in it.

8. Snap off the tough ends of the asparagus spears and rinse quickly.

9. The Rare Mushroom Soup and Asparagus with Green and Red Tea Dipping Sauce is a take on the traditional Chinese tea set.

10. The set menu starts with salmon timbale with avocado salad and salmon roe, followed by cream of asparagus and capsicum soup with focaccia mushroom toast.

asparagus 英英释义


1. edible young shoots of the asparagus plant

2. plant whose succulent young shoots are cooked and eaten as a vegetable

    Synonym: edible asparagusAsparagus officinales

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