
braille是什么意思 braille在线翻译 braille什么意思 braille的意思 braille的翻译 braille的解释 braille的发音 braille的同义词 braille的反义词

braille [breɪl]  [brel] 

braille 基本解释


及物动词用布莱叶点字法印刷; (B-)布莱叶(Louis, 1809-1852,法国盲人教育家,盲文点写法的设计者)

braille 网络解释

1. 盲文:盲文字母被译成了世界上各种语言并继续得到发展,还根据新的语言、新的科学技术,甚至是新的信息化工具对其进行了调整. 路易斯.布莱叶的故居位于法国巴黎东部的Coupvray,现已作为历史文物保存下来,并改建成一座永久性博物馆. 盲文(Braille)

2. 点字:(记者叶卉轩/台北报导)在商品外包装加上布雷尔点字(Braille)的美妆保养品,法国知名品牌L'OCCITANE十年前就做到了,它让盲人也能轻松自在的选购商品,而该品牌对视障与眼疾患者医疗的照顾与救援更是持续不断.

3. braille是什么意思

3. 盲字:一、在非谋利之情况下,可透过布莱叶盲字(Braille)系统或为失明人士而设之其它系统对已出版之作品进行复制或任何形式之使用.

4. 活動/事件資訊點字機:1268.活動/事件資訊閃爍的物件或網頁blinking objects or pages | 1269.活動/事件資訊點字機braille | 1270.活動/事件資訊檢測碼checkpoint

braille 词典解释

1. 布莱叶盲文(点字法)
    Braille is a system of printing for blind people. The letters are printed as groups of raised dots that you can feel with your fingers.

braille 单语例句

1. She has mastered Chinese and English, and now works in the Bethel office translating Chinese into Braille.

2. Besides a version in Chinese, the Bible has also also printed in seven different ethnic minority languages and Braille.

3. " It's much more complicated than English Braille, " Shi says.

4. Education authorities have also prepared exam papers in Braille so blind students can sit the national college entrance examination in the last two years.

5. She purchased materials for studying English and got her roommates to read them letter by letter so that she could translate them into Braille.

6. Much of the problem lies in the fact they have not been fortunate enough to have received any education and cannot read braille.

7. He suggested the administration - the exam's organizer - providing test papers in Braille for candidates with visual impairment.

8. His mother herself turns the music scores into simplified ones, which he then translates into Braille.

9. Chinese sign language and Braille existed without a standardized system for many years and vary from region to region in China.

10. It's good that braille is taught to China's blind people from the beginning of school, he says.

braille 英英释义



1. a point system of writing in which patterns of raised dots represent letters and numerals


1. transcribe in braille

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