
galaxy是什么意思 galaxy在线翻译 galaxy什么意思 galaxy的意思 galaxy的翻译 galaxy的解释 galaxy的发音 galaxy的同义词 galaxy的反义词 galaxy的例句

galaxy [ˈgæləksi]  [ˈɡæləksi] 


galaxy 基本解释


名词星系; 银河系; 一群显赫的(出色的)人物


galaxy 网络解释

1. 银河系:银河系(Galaxy)银河系是地球和太阳所属的星系. 因其主体部分投影在天球上的亮带被我国称为银河而得名. 银河系呈旋涡状,有4条螺旋状的旋臂从银河系中心均匀对称地延伸出来. 银河系中心和4条旋臂都是恒星密集的地方. 从远处看,

2. 影驰:其他品牌也可以的 华硕(ASUS) 微星(MSI) 技嘉(GIGABYTE) 升技(ABIT) ,告诉我型号,去其他代理调货,价格上没有微星优惠了那么多.毕竟经过建达蓝德代理的希捷(Seagate) 西部数据(WD) 迈拓(Maxtor)各类硬盘主营微星( 微星(MSI) 影驰(GALAXY) 蓝宝石(SAPP

galaxy 词典解释

1. 星系
    A galaxy is an extremely large group of stars and planets that extends over many billions of light years.

    e.g. Astronomers have discovered a distant galaxy.

2. 银河;银河系
    The Galaxy is the extremely large group of stars and planets to which the Earth and the Solar System belong.


    e.g. The Galaxy consists of 100 billion stars.

3. 一群(名人);(人才)荟萃
    If you talk about a galaxy of people from a particular profession, you mean a group of them who are all famous or important.

    e.g. He is one of a small galaxy of Dutch stars on German television.

galaxy 单语例句

1. MLS spokesman Stephen Rodriguez said Galaxy general manager Alexi Lalas and coach Frank Yallop could try to buy out the remainder of Beckham's Real contract.

2. He was the only Galaxy player not wearing a team coat on the chilly northwest night as Salt Lake were introduced for their trophy ceremony.

3. He was the only Galaxy player not wearing a team coat on the chilly Northwest night as Salt Lake was introduced for its trophy ceremony.

4. Galaxy Entertainment made an additional investment last year to speed up construction of the resort in Macao's Cotai strip to tap a gambling boom.

5. The Galaxy can be expected to rebound from a poor 2006 with a number of smart signings complementing the addition of Beckham.

6. But now astronomers have used a more refined method to conclude that our galaxy's mass is slightly less than 1 trillion solar masses.

7. Real estate developers from many other cities across the country also concoct exotic names for their galaxy of housing projects advertised by white celebrities.

8. The newly discovered black hole has a mass equivalent to 17 billion suns and is located inside the galaxy NGC 1277 in the constellation Perseus.

9. He took five corner kicks in 22 minutes, but the Galaxy couldn't score on any of them.

10. Mickelson is going to face a tough battle to retain his crown given the galaxy of international stars he is up against.

galaxy 英英释义


1. a splendid assemblage (especially of famous people)

2. (astronomy) a collection of star systems
    any of the billions of systems each having many stars and nebulae and dust

    e.g. `extragalactic nebula' is a former name for `galaxy'

    Synonym: extragalactic nebula

3. tufted evergreen perennial herb having spikes of tiny white flowers and glossy green round to heart-shaped leaves that become coppery to maroon or purplish in fall

    Synonym: galaxwandflowerbeetleweedcoltsfootGalax urceolata

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