
ink是什么意思 ink在线翻译 ink什么意思 ink的意思 ink的翻译 ink的解释 ink的发音 ink的同义词 ink的反义词 ink的例句 ink的相关词组

ink [ɪŋk]  [ɪŋk] 


ink 基本解释

名词墨水,油墨; (乌贼分泌的)墨液

及物动词给…上油墨(以供印刷、签订合同等); 签名(在…上); 涂油墨

ink 相关例句


1. danci.911cha.com

1. He inked his pen.


1. The book was worn out and had ink stains on its cover.

ink 情景对话


A:I’m afraid I’ve spilt ink all over the table-cloth.


B:Oh, never mind about that.

A:I’m terribly sorry. Won’t you let me pay for it?

B:No, I won’t hear of it.

Shopping in the Dime Store-(在低价商店购物)

A:Do you carry black ink?

B:The ink should be next to the paper clips and thumb tacks in the stationary section, sir.

A:I've looked, but I didn't see any black ink.


B:Then I'm afraid there's none in stock.

A:Well, I'll settle for blue-black. I'll also take a dozen airmail envelopes.

B:They come in packages of ten or twenty.


A:Give me a package of twenty, then. And where do I find shoelaces?


B:On counter three.


A:Thank you. I never can find my way around this store.


B:I know. It took me three weeks, and I work here.

ink 网络解释

1. 墨水:其系列的第二部<<墨水>>(Ink)将于明年出版. 这本书看介绍有点类似于<<安珀志>>的世界设定,存在一个另外的永恒世界. 2017年的未来,天使与恶魔那个名为维伦穆(Vellum)的世界寻找一本记载了所有真相的书籍――<<全时之书>>.

2. ink是什么意思

2. 油墨:奈米管首先将以一种可印刷的'油墨'(ink)呈现,这种油墨的速度比竞争的有机电晶体快10倍. 在此同时,零维的碳60原子空心碳球富勒烯(fullerenes)可实现矽无法达到的高温超导特性. 内含碱金属原子的紧密封装型富勒烯超导温度可达38K.

3. 墨汁:7.最后完成各种细节包括用GW墨汁(ink)渗线,用bleached bone轻扫高光处以及枪上的绿色隔栅

ink 词典解释

1. 墨水;油墨
    Ink is the coloured liquid used for writing or printing.

    e.g. The letter was handwritten in black ink.

2. 使沾上墨水(或油墨等)
    If you ink something, you put ink on it.

    e.g. Ritter took his left hand and inked the fingertips.

ink 单语例句

1. Working with both Western and Chinese mediums - with acrylic and Chinese ink on canvas - Sculley enjoys the freedom art offers.

2. Designer Chen Xuan's Horse Instinct is inspired by traditional Chinese ink paintings that often feature horses.

3. The tender and elegant traditional ink scheme is replaced by a complicated and interlocked oil structure.

4. One short piece of this ink landscape is held by the Zhejiang Provincial Museum.

5. More than 240 ink paintings and calligraphic works by more than 100 artists from across the country are on display.

6. The exhibition presents more than 80 of his ink figure paintings, landscapes and calligraphic works.

7. The rest were used to grace his ink paintings and calligraphic works.

8. Duolun Museum of Modern Art will hold an exhibition of water ink paintings and calligraphic works.

9. Yu uses mainly calligraphy and ink on rice paper in his works, paying homage to the ancient masters and at the same time exploring modern presentation style.

10. The young acrobats are dressed in vibrantly colored costumes that draw inspiration from Chinese cultural elements such as ink calligraphy and Peking Opera.

ink 英英释义


1. dark protective fluid ejected into the water by cuttlefish and other cephalopods

2. a liquid used for printing or writing or drawing


1. fill with ink

    e.g. ink a pen

2. mark, coat, cover, or stain with ink

    e.g. he inked his finger

3. append one's signature to

    e.g. They inked the contract

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