
jordan是什么意思 jordan在线翻译 jordan什么意思 jordan的意思 jordan的翻译 jordan的解释 jordan的发音 jordan的同义词 jordan的反义词 jordan的例句


jordan 基本解释


名词锥形精磨机,低速磨浆机; 精浆机

jordan 情景对话

Favorite superstar-(喜爱的球星)

A:Who are those guys?

B:Kobi Bryant and Shaquille O’Neal, they are the Los Angeles Lakers’ star players.


B:Wait a second. He shoots, he scores!

A:All right!


B:Here comes Jordan, though.

A:Wow, Michael Jordan’s slam-dunks are beautiful things to watch.

B:Yeah. He’s older, so he doesn’t slam, as much as he did when he was younger, but when he does, it’s still amazing.


A:Which team do you think will win?

B:The Lakers. Jordan is the only good player Washington has.

jordan 网络解释

1. 约旦:J,[]约旦[/](JORDAN),如果您是和约旦的旅游机构或旅行社组织的团队或个人游旅游,或者搭乘皇家约旦航空的班机,在国王机场(AMM)和皇后机场(AQJ)是可以申请落地签的.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 乔丹:导 演:大卫-塞梅尔(David Semel)等<<超能英雄>>是集制作人和编剧于一身的蒂姆-克林(Tim Kring),继<<遇见乔 丹>>( Jordan)新制作的剧情剧集,讲述了一群普通人发现自己具有超常能力后发生变化的生活.

3. 佐敦:Dusty继昨天公布了2010年1月的冬季新品后,最新的2010春季系列眼镜系列也公布了,这次共有包括太子(PRINCE EDWARD),佐敦(JORDAN),铜锣湾(CAUSEWAY BAY),中环(CENTRAL)四个款式.

4. 陈小春:4 蔡依林(Jolin) 城堡 爱情三十六计449 蔡依林 野蛮游戏(J-Game) 许愿池的希腊少女452 陈小春(Jordan) 抱一抱 我爱的人456 陈奕迅(Eason) 七(新歌+精选) 十年475 张惠妹(A-Mei) 真实 真实480 陈小春(Jordan) 独家记忆 难朋友

5. jordan:jo; 约旦(域名)

6. jordan:jor; 约旦

jordan 单语例句


1. The first batch of 100 tents will be transported by air to Jordan from Urumqi, capital of Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

2. The Army official said no decisions had yet been made regarding disciplinary action for Jordan.

3. Israel and Jordan can be seen near the top edge of the frame.

4. In Jordan, there are about 3 million eligible voters to cast their ballot in the elections.

5. Wilt Chamberlain and Michael Jordan, who Chinese fans called the " God " are the others.

6. He has claimed responsibility for several other plots in Jordan, including a foiled April 2004 chemical attack.

7. Defeat was greeted by a chorus of boos from angry Saudi supporters as the Jordan players ran to their fans to celebrate.

8. Jordan team crew work on their Formula One car with a Welcome China design at Shanghai Circuit.

9. Jordan's success means he remains just one climb away from his overall quest of reaching the highest peaks on all seven continents.

10. He is close to a group of players through his Jordan Brand apparel and as the owner of the Charlotte Bobcats.

jordan 英英释义


1. an Arab kingdom in southwestern Asia on the Red Sea

    Synonym: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

2. a river in Palestine that empties into the Dead Sea
    John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan

    Synonym: Jordan River

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