
rather是什么意思 rather在线翻译 rather什么意思 rather的意思 rather的翻译 rather的解释 rather的发音 rather的同义词 rather的反义词 rather的例句

rather [ˈrɑ:ðə(r)]  [ˈræðər] 

rather 基本解释

副词宁愿; 稍微,有点; 相当,颇; 相反地


rather 相关词组

1. rather too : 稍微...一点;


rather 相关例句


1. She was no better, but rather grew worse.

2. He was rather tired.

3. I'm feeling rather sleepy.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. He resigned rather than take part in such a dishonest transaction .

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. She was rather hurt by his unkind words.

rather 情景对话


A:Can I buy you a drink?

B:Actually I'd rather have the money.



A:You mast be Mrs. Wang. I am delighted to meet you at last.


B:Likewise. I have been looking forward to this moment or months!

A:You must be exhausted. Would you like to sit down and rest for a few minutes?


B:Oh, no, I’d rather get to College as quickly as possible.


A:There’s going to be a volleyball match between Economy Department and Foreign Languages Department this afternoon. Are any of you keen on volleyball?

B:Sorry, I’m not a volleyball fan. I’d rather play football. How about you, Mr. Wang? Are you interested in volleyball?


C:I’m afraid not. My favorite sport is running. I don’t care for ball games.

rather 网络解释

1. 相当:眼前的选择将他整个人都翻转过来,他无法决定自己要往哪里去,而这实在是太不寻常了--不,相当(rather)不寻常--会觉得如此的茫然. 这突然让他想起了自己和云妮晚上看书时所念到的一些字. 他一方面喜欢看书,

2. 恰恰相反;相当:secure 获得,得到;a. 安全的 | rather 恰恰相反;相当 | knowledge 知道;知识

3. 宁愿:rather too 稍微 | rather 宁愿 | ratheripe 早熟的

4. 有些,宁可:rarely 很少 | rather 有些,宁可 | ratio 比率,比

rather 词典解释

1. 而非;胜于;而不是
    You use rather than when you are contrasting two things or situations. Rather than introduces the thing or situation that is not true or that you do not want.


    e.g. The problem was psychological rather than physiological...
    e.g. Sedge is similar in appearance to grass but has a solid rather than a hollow stem...

2. 而是;更确切地说;还不如说;相反
    You use rather when you are correcting something that you have just said, especially when you are describing a particular situation after saying what it is not.

    e.g. Twenty million years ago, Idaho was not the arid place it is now. Rather, it was warm and damp, populated by dense primordial forest...
    e.g. But there must be no talk of final victory; rather, the long, hard slog to a solution...

3. 宁愿/不愿;宁可/宁可不
    If you say that you would rather do something or you'd rather do it, you mean that you would prefer to do it. If you say that you would rather not do something, you mean that you do not want to do it.


    e.g. If it's all the same to you, I'd rather work at home...
    e.g. Which programme would you rather appear on?...

4. 有些;颇为;相当
    You use rather to indicate that something is true to a fairly great extent, especially when you are talking about something unpleasant or undesirable.


    e.g. I grew up in rather unusual circumstances...
    e.g. It had made some rather bad mistakes which I thought should be corrected...

5. (放在动词前)更…,宁愿…
    You use rather before verbs that introduce your thoughts and feelings, in order to express your opinion politely, especially when a different opinion has been expressed.


    e.g. I rather think he was telling the truth...
    e.g. I rather like the decorative effect.

6. (表示同意或接受)当然,的确
    People sometimes say rather to express agreement or acceptance.


    e.g. 'Well, he did have a sort of family connection with it, didn't he.' — 'Oh yes. Rather.'

Rather, pretty, quite, and fairly can all be used to modify adjectives and adverbs, but are all less strong than very. Rather and pretty are the strongest of these words and are the closest to very. Pretty, in this sense, is informal. Therefore, if you said to someone, 'Your work is pretty good' or 'Your work is rather good', they would be more likely to be pleased than if you said 'Your work is quite good' or 'Your work is fairly good'. However, rather is commonly used with words indicating negative qualities. I was feeling rather sad. It is the only one of these words than can be used with comparatives, and with too. Global warming could be rather worse than we think it will be... He was becoming rather too friendly with my ex-boyfriend. Quite is slightly stronger than fairly, and may suggest that something has more of a quality than expected. Nobody here's ever heard of it but it is actually quite common.
rather, pretty, quite 和 fairly 都可以用于修饰形容词和副词,但是它们都没有very的程度强。rather 和 pretty 在这4个词中程度最强,意思和very最接近。表达这个意思时pretty是非正式说法。因此,如果对某人说Your work is pretty good(你干得非常好)或Your work is rather good(你干得相当好)要比说Your work is quite good(你干得很不错)或Your work is fairly good(你干得还不错)更令他高兴。但是,rather 往往和有消极意义的词连用,如:I was feeling rather sad(我觉得很难过)。在这些词中唯有rather可以和比较级或too连用。如:Global warming could be rather worse than we think it will be(全球变暖可能比我们想象的更加严重),He was becoming rather too friendly with my ex-boyfriend(他和我的前男友好得有些过了头)。quite比fairly的程度稍强一些,表示某物有些超乎人们的期望。如:Nobody here's ever heard of it but it is actually quite common(这里没有人听说过它,但是它实际上颇为常见)。

rather 单语例句


1. Instead, it comes from a business ethic based on trust rather than litigation.

2. The problem is not in business enterprises but rather in the wealth distribution system of the country.

3. Which would you rather have in your neighborhood - a grove of large trees, or a busy street lined with dozens of bars?

4. Ip also has plans for the engineering sector, proposing to buttress local engineering companies rather than to rely on foreign engineering.

5. Shoppers have also found they can save time and effort by buying seafood on a website rather than in a physical store.

6. Joining hands with TV programs is one way brands can be part of real life rather than just buying advertising space.

7. When US consumers think that buying cheaper Chinese products will cost them their jobs, they would rather buy more expensive items from other countries.

8. It is also worth buying in person rather than online, since these coats are most effective when they fit the body well.

9. This shows that the authorities should take the initiative to carry out supervision rather than wait for such matters to come to attention by accident.

10. Significantly these new countries have not been chosen by chance but rather for their impressive economic growth and marketing potential.

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