
sector是什么意思 sector在线翻译 sector什么意思 sector的意思 sector的翻译 sector的解释 sector的发音 sector的同义词 sector的反义词 sector的例句

sector [ˈsektə(r)]  [ˈsɛktɚ, -ˌtɔr] 


sector 基本解释

名词部门; 领域; 扇形; 防御地区

sector 相关例句


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. At the sectors where accidents are most likely to take place, the trains always travel at a moderate speed.

sector 网络解释

1. 扇形:- 可通过远程延时调节功能对移交(Hand-over)进行控制- 无论时间多久,几乎没有因光元器件的老化(aging)而导致的通话质量的劣化- 选择在各远程(Remote)中需中转的扇形(Sector),可通过软件操作进行变更

2. 磁扇:您可以自行输入磁柱(cylinder)数目、读写磁头(head)数目以及硬盘每一碟轨的磁扇(sector)数目. 您可以阅读硬盘的使用文件或直接查看硬盘上的标签贴纸来获得上述数值. 若已完成这个次菜单的设置,请按下[esc]键就可以跳出次菜单回到主菜单(main)的画面.

3. 磁区:431.(1) 个人电脑中表示资料的基本单位为 位元(bit) 位元组(byte) 字组(word) 双字组439.(1) 磁碟片的每一面上都是由许多同心圆状的圆圈所组成,这些圆圈即为 磁轨(track) 磁区(sector) 磁柱(cylinder) 磁泡(magnetic-bubble).

sector 词典解释

1. (经济的)部门,行业,领域
    A particular sector of a country's economy is the part connected with that specified type of industry.

    e.g. ...the nation's manufacturing sector.
    e.g. ...the service sector of the Hong Kong economy.

2. (大型组织的)部分,小群体
    A sector of a large group is a smaller group which is part of it.

    e.g. Workers who went to the Gulf came from the poorest sectors of Pakistani society.

3. 军事管制区;军事防御区
    A sector is an area of a city or country which is controlled by a military force.

    e.g. Officers were going to retake sectors of the city.

4. 扇形
    A sector is a part of a circle which is formed when you draw two straight lines from the centre of the circle to the edge.

sector 单语例句

1. Tang forecast that the banking sector's net profits might grow more than 5 percent this year because of booming loan business.

2. Lau said the government may consider expanding the loan guarantees and inject more capital if the business sector welcomes it.

3. But finding the right talent for the new business was a problem for Sun, a newcomer to the machine tool sector.

4. The diffusion of these innovations into standard business operation may require more than a push from the financial sector.

5. " The World Expo 2010 will provide the city's service sector with a huge business opportunity, " said the official.

6. Voith sees potential for its hydropower business, which comprises about a quarter of the installed capacity in the sector in China.

7. The business from the sector fell steeply in the last quarter of 2008, the company said.

8. The HSBC Business School aims to provide society with talents in the financial service sector.

9. Some foreign investors have already started preparing for the new business sector in China.

10. The award honors contributions in the business sector to sustainable water management, improved performance in production processes and innovative approaches in technologies.

sector 英英释义



1. measuring instrument consisting of two graduated arms hinged at one end

2. a particular aspect of life or activity

    e.g. he was helpless in an important sector of his life

    Synonym: sphere

3. a social group that forms part of the society or the economy

    e.g. the public sector

4. a portion of a military position

5. the minimum track length that can be assigned to store information
    unless otherwise specified a sector of data consists of 512 bytes

6. a plane figure bounded by two radii and the included arc of a circle

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