
smoking是什么意思 smoking在线翻译 smoking什么意思 smoking的意思 smoking的翻译 smoking的解释 smoking的发音 smoking的同义词 smoking的反义词

smoking [ˈsməʊkɪŋ]  [ˈsmoʊkɪŋ] 


smoking 基本解释


动词抽烟; 冒烟( smoke的现在分词); 用烟熏制; 吸(烟)

smoking 情景对话



A:Where would you prefer to sit?

B:I’d like to sit (in the front/ by the window/ in the smoking section).


B:Would you like (a window or an aisle seat/ smoking or non-smoking/ first or business class)?

A:An aisle/ window seat. / Smoking./ Non-smoking. / First class./ Business class.

smoking 网络解释

1. smoking的翻译

1. 吸烟:并使用机械辅助咳嗽 (MAC) 以防止或逆转脉搏血氧饱和度 (SpO2) 基线水平低背景 呼出气体中NO水平 (FENO) 的增高已经证明与哮喘有关,但我们发现在气道反应性 (AR) 增高氧化氮 (nitric oxide 吸烟 (smoking)(etomidate

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 抽烟:抽烟简介: 抽烟(smoking)是一种不健康的生活习惯. 抽烟可以直接毒杀生命,可以破坏人体的营养成分,可以诱发多种疾病. 抽烟对人体健康来说是百害而无一利. 所以要尽量解除或少吸,不抽烟的人最不要最好不要染上这个嗜好.

3. 烟熏:它是将斯里兰卡所产,刚玉类的牛奶石(Geuda),或是颜色较澹、较I.烟薰(Smoking):加热的蛋白石(Opal)与特定的化学物质接触,以得到高度的变形,并产生一种暗色的背景.

4. smoking的解释

4. 熏:煨simmering | 熏smoking | 烘baking

smoking 词典解释

1. 吸烟;抽烟
    Smoking is the act or habit of smoking cigarettes, cigars, or a pipe.

    e.g. Smoking is now banned in many places of work.
    e.g. ...a no-smoking area.

2. 允许吸烟的
    A smoking area is intended for people who want to smoke.


    e.g. ...the decision to scrap smoking compartments on Kent trains.

3. see also: smoke;passive smoking

smoking 单语例句

1. While smokers in Hong Kong seek their havens from the smoking ban, a businessman tried to take advantage of a gray area in the law.

2. The Shanxi health department study said students with more money at their disposal were more likely to buy cigarettes and take up smoking.

3. Some publicity that is supposed to prevent teenagers from smoking has actually aroused curiosity among them by claiming " smoking is a choice only for adults ".

4. The campaign was initiated by a student who wrote a letter to the county's leading official to protest teachers smoking in classrooms and offices.

5. But their failure to cook up a better story is not because they didn't try, but because they are by nature clumsy hiding the smoking gun.

6. Kids want to feel mature by imitating adult behavior, and many see smoking as a symbol of being an adult.

7. But this threat can be reduced with strong policy action to reduce smoking rates.

8. Li said people can reduce the threat by stopping smoking, doing more exercise and shedding excessive weight.

9. He said the presentation was likely to relate further examples of concealment rather than actionable intelligence that would constitute a smoking gun.

10. That is a price I can afford to pay, compared with further exposure to the deadly diseases that smoking can trigger.

smoking 英英释义


1. the act of smoking tobacco or other substances

    e.g. he went outside for a smoke
           smoking stinks

    Synonym: smoke

2. a hot vapor containing fine particles of carbon being produced by combustion

    e.g. the fire produced a tower of black smoke that could be seen for miles

    Synonym: smoke


1. emitting smoke in great volume

    e.g. a smoking fireplace

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